J Whiteman

ahh, stupid auto-correct..

oooh, ok, my mistake. i was mistaken Duplo for Mega-Blocks.

If your a gamer and want convince, stay away from Linksys. Their DHCP programming sucks and require them to be power-every other day. Many of them don't support media sharing so half the functionality of your X-Boxes and PS3's won't work, and when you do have to power cycle, you have to physically be at the router.

Did you notice at the 15 second mark, the spoon slipping and falling off his left arm??

There's no mention of such a label. And I'm sure you know this, cuz you're starred and all, but the image is not the pin hole camera of the article.

No, As far as I remember the two were purposely incompatible.

Now playing

To me it seems like a better use of their time than the alternatives....

Sorry HP, after your absolute cluster-fuck of my tx-1000x, I will never buy a piece of shit overheating over designed under engineered product of yours again.


I found it impossible to watch this without the 80's screaming theme TRANSFORMERS! in my mind.

No one was talking about notifications or operating systems.

I played on a Space Command tv until a couple of years ago.

Its painfully obvious you have never used tasker and have both no idea of its power, nor have any imagination as to the possibilities. So ill leave you in your groove.

GOD DAMINT!!!! I just moved from NYC to Richmond for a job, and now I'm missing this!! ARGGGG! I miss NYC.

That's the point tho. These are just the first steps to what could eventually become a "Jetsons" home. I've programmed some nice little scripts for my droid in tasker...things that make the phone so much more capable at the same time being damn convent. Like automatically adjusting the ringer and notification volumes

That's what happens when your only front wheel can turn 180*

Of course there are alternatives. And you might not see the appeal of an automated home, but others do. I agree that flipping a switch isn't that hard...but your missing the big picture.

Possible Futures and Alternate Realities are one and the same as far as I'm concerned. Either way...she probably died a horrible death scared senseless in a concentration camp. :-)

Yup. The writers strike killed that show. And what's-his-faces-girlfriend is still stuck forever in the dystopia alternate reality.

Jokes on you. WWIII has been going on for a decade.