J Whiteman

possibly, that's what I would do. I would literally sit there watching code fly by and keep an eye on anything that looks suspicious.

It doesn't work like that. Nothing will be brought 'back online'. Sony is constructing an entirely new PSN. Even if Anon did leave something behind (such as their calling card), it will just be sitting on some hard drive somewhere in a pile in a box in a server room until it's recycled.

A cable channel.

Dogs and Cats living together!!!

Hindsight is always 20/20, and some people will always feel the need to express their emotions physically. At least the operation that ended it went (sort of) smoothly.

Pardon me, Libya. See, I write alot of code and do a lot of general typing and sometimes I spell things phonetically. I also go to work and pay taxes like a real American. Not some loser slacker who believes he knows everything and thinks its cool not to pay taxes. I'm also a New Yorker who witnessed 9/11 first hand

Your welcome to leave the country and go live in Libia. Seriously....leave.

I completely agree with your first two choices. As far as surround sound goes, Ive turned to look at the doorway when i heard a growl in the Resistance series.

It's not successful because the 3D tech they are using has been around since 1980's and sucks. Even if your head is in the right position, you still get double imaging on the edges. And if your watching your friend play, you can't see shit. And since your messing with the image after it leaves the screen, your never

All they need is bluetooth to use dualshock 3's with.

All it needs is bluetooth and you can use a ps3 controller....sincerely doubt playstation would overlook this

Because only apple fanboys would say something like that when there is the onslaught of android tablets (this one included) on the horizon.

All it takes is bluetooth...

It's shaped like that so it feels more natural to the hand, like a magazine. Plus it helps fight hand cramps on thinner devices.

do you look like a bitch?

it sucks that you were made fun of...i personally think thats a kick ass birthdate. I'm jealous.


The last Flight Simulator installment from Microsoft was way back in 2001 I believe. So any decent computer with parts younger than that should play it without missing a frame.

You mean bored games.

Not really. This has a VERY tiny footprint considering how many bikes it can store safely (it would benefit from a transparent covering to protect bikes form weather) as no one would be able to scale up to take your lights or computer, or in my case speakers.