
I actually saw an F-Pace in the parking lot at work the other day, and wow. On the same day, the gorgeous Volvo XC90 was also in the parking lot and to be honest, I couldn’t decide which I thought was prettier. The Jag looked really aggressive in a positive way in person.

Please, please give an update on that beautiful vehicle when you get a chance. I’ve been lusting after one since the debut, but I have my doubts because Jaguar.

COTD - Though it probably needs a split with Porschebago

Too late for us...we already ordered the F Pace...to be delivered next week.

Different strokes for different folks, I guess. Personally, I love the sound of a Porsche flat-6. To my ears, a Viper sounds like the world’s fastest UPS truck.

I’ve given the most realistic advice that exists. Now, if you want unrealistic advice, feel free to debate what V12 car he should get.

There’s a reason everyone I know with a sunroof keeps the shade closed 95% of the time.

you can see the Flying Elbow Cop thinking “THIS IS IT! THE MOMENT I’VE TRAINED MY WHOLE CAREER FOR! THE PEOPLES ELBOW!!!!”

Like the Ford Crown Victoria which was made in the American state of Ontario.

I’ve been driving an XE 2.0t around for a few weeks. They are really, really nice.
Full Disclosure: I talked my father into buying one over the equivalent C class. He couldn’t be happier with it.

They are comendable for being what they are, but they look sooooooo dated.

Since the answer is really the Model S, and you didn’t specify “new”:


That thing looks like a dog that’s about to sneeze...

When the RS5 first came out I was in love, and to this day my head turns when I see on the road. This new design is...well...um...not a jizz my pants, OMG I want one, look in my option.

I guess it’s fine looking. I personally prefer the C class coupe to this, or better yet, the original S5 coupe.

stand on your head and hold your breath for a minute.....never fails

I’d paint everything this color.

When photos of the first gen came out I didn't care for them at all, then I started seeing them out on the road and it grew on me. I think the Panamera is a fine car. Different does not mean ugly, and it certainly was a departure from the historical looks of a sedan. A slight evolution just makes it more beautiful.