John Hascall

Apparently the difference is the franchisee touches your money first.

Thoughts and Prayers” ought to be sufficient, right?

Phenomenal Cosmic Screen Writing, Itty-Bitty Brain. 

Was that super-annoying dude there to tell “normal people” about how it won a JD Power Award for initial floating quality?

The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a car is good car with a, well, nothing.

Gah. I’d watch Die Hard five times before I’d watch any of your five paint-dryers.  Also Trading Places.

Without debating the “normalcy” of it — as near as I can tell it IS pretty common.

Under this thinking about the commerce clause, one can only assume there can be NO federal laws where money changes hands?  Murder bad.  Murder for Hire: Commerce.  ???

They can certainly explain to the franchisee why it is to their advantage to fire her... but I wouldn’t hold my breath.

Dear Other States,

Where the heck is Tammy Layran?

“In other words, any 6 week ban makes abortion illegal in all but technicality ... for poor people”.  If the wayward daughter of a fine christian pillar of the community takes a sudden and mysterious European vacation, it just wouldn’t be polite to ask questions...

Like the 550hp V6 EcoBoost ;)

It’s to keep him from attempting to grab it by the pussy.

LOL, my iPhone SE, worth $77 with original box, otherwise $0.  That’s a hell of a box.

One winter I pulled into a parking space at the local Arby’s that had a slope of approximately 0.1% and I could not get back out of that space on my Goodyear Eagles ZRs without the help of pushers.  No zamboni in sight.  YMMV.

No, everyone knows that it’s bread bag shoes, just ask Iowa Senator Joni  Ernst

Ugh, that face.

Rob has unspectacular tits, so he gets no social media love.

Yes, but how much is the “Totoro House”, that’s the one I want.