Here, I fixed it for ya:
Here, I fixed it for ya:
Serious question - when did Snoop get away with murder?
Wow, I didn’t know that. Thanks!
Never say never, even if you’re the best driver on the road.
Was it the Golden Eagle Express? That’s on my bucket list for sure. Though it is expensive.
Anyone know if all 3 series have these? I just had a new ‘18 330i loaner, and my god all 4 doors were ridiculously hard to close. Nothing like my ‘13 F30.
Cool car! How long have you had it?
<iframe src="" width="480" height="360" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="">via GIPHY</a></p>
Edit: Duel of the Fates was the one song he didn’t perform
Last Jedi, really? I think TPM scene is a lot more entertaining, I’ve watched just that scene I don’t know how many times. John Williams “Duel of the Fates” definitely added to it though.
Side note, I saw John Williams in concert at the Irvine Amphitheater (before the greedy, overpricing rent monster, the Irvine…
I’m sure you do pay attention, and I agree that it’s generally safer to back in, although not always ideal and not as convenient. I just think its dangerous speeding up, honking and swerving in a parking lot when you could, and should, just stop and wait for the car to pull out. If you don’t understand that logic, you…
I’ve been doing this for a few years now, and I like to think that because it goes directly down the stairs and into the cargo hold, there’s less of a chance that it’ll get lost/misplaced and end up somewhere else.
I’ll figure it out for you right now - in most situations, whether in a parking lot or elsewhere, if you’re moving forward and fail to stop which results in YOU hitting a vehicle - its your fault. Enjoy your higher insurance premium.
Clearly you don’t live in Southern California.
“I don’t care what training she’s had”
-Tell that to Bruce Lee.
beat me to it.
Maybe a color-blind QC?
Fact: Jane Mansfield’s daughter was in the car, she survived pretty much unscathed - she is actress Mariska Hargitay, one of the highest paid actresses on TV.