
I’m more worried about the following:

I’ve driven enough on highways and in NYC itself to be more uncomfortable with everyday drivers. I’d trust this Tesla over 99% of the cab drivers I see everyday.

Already blamed the gun. It “deployed” after he reached into the duffel bag, and then shot him. That is one of the more ridiculous statements I have ever read.

I have been following this closely, as I drive a 2011 Audi A8. Everyone keeps referencing that the Jeep version of this ZF is dangerous because it doesn’t automatically shift into park if the door is opened when the car is still in Drive, whereas the Audi does. I tested this the other day- I had the car in Drive (foot

“Having a company accept the return of an entire vehicle is rare”

Not the purchase, but they're getting the August 2015 depreciated value.

In the USA, I would only do this on the mountain passes/hills so trucks don’t need as big of an engine and can use the electric motors for breaks on the down hill sections.

Access to labour, access to EU markets - eastern Germany and Poland ticks those boxes. The buildings in England are easy to leave behind.

Yes he could, only he uses the name Boris Johnson.

Still are

Notify owners not to drive these vehicles until they are repaired

BMW’s shifter isn't confusing... And it puts the car in park if you open the door and release the brake.

Can’t search on leakedsource, you need an account for the low price of 76 cents a day.

I like this car so much, hope it’s going to do well.It’s not trying to be a BMW/Merc, it’s just trying to be a good Cadillac. Saw it in the flesh and I was impressed. Obviously not for me, but I like that it exists, There’s a market for that. It got tons of personality and it seems o be fairly well put together.

“The board nixed the name CCTV7 which, if I’m honest, made much more sense.” —Johann de Nysschen

I just purchase my cars on credit cards, then I balance transfer the amount back and forth for awhile, when that stops working I take out payday loans to cover the credit card payments... then I sell plasma, sperm and superfluous organs to pay off the payday loans. As of right now I only owe $75,000 on a 2005 Hummer

Not really.

Maybe your buddies over at Gizmodo know something?

im glad to see both parties were arrested