Well, it is the way capitalism works, you need competition to drive innovation and productivity.
Well, it is the way capitalism works, you need competition to drive innovation and productivity.
Be responsible with your finances and don’t accumulate debt?
2 full sets, including the spare?
Its tricky stuff...
What kind of boat?
I’m sometimes partial to some FCA products...
This would be the perfct engine for a lotus elise.
Other side of the coin.
Lol, I do get exasperated over that.
I also drive a 3 series.
Second question: 9 months ago, my wife and I had a Miata and a Mustang; we currently have the 3 series because she was pregnant and we needed a family car. The 2018 3-series is seriously cramped; if we pack the baby and our (tiny) dog to go away for a weekend, I end up driving with her sitting behind me, and I have to…
They have a 1 series, sedan... china and mexico ony.
Those of us who want a reasinable sized car?
No shit...
I can see myself using the body, a totaled focus RS... and some 6 months of work and getting a super crazy car.
Educate me, what was BMW back then?
Well, it really is a LARGE hatchback.
Just making the “ultimate driving machine” cost a premium?
BMW - “bayerische boring motoren werke”