
I don’t think they are trashing him here.

If you haven’t read or listened to Ashlee Vance’s biography of Elon Musk, I really highly suggest it. I didn’t really know how I felt about Musk until I read that book, but afterwards I can say that I hope he succeeds in the things he’s trying to do. He can be a dick, but he seems to be a person with good intentions,


I think this is an important perspective, and was honestly more eye-opening for me as a man than the article you’re responding to. But, the article itself still got me to really assess myself on the issue, and isn’t that a good thing? I’ve seen harsh criticisms of every apology from popular men, and I’ve seen harsh

Someone brought up how these people are so damn privileged they can’t even boycott properly. The whole point of a boycott is to stop supporting a business.

Now, I don’t know about you, but I’m damn sure to stop supporting a business you need to stop giving it money. So how the fuck does buying a product just to smash

I don’t see that.

Nah mate, you’re not trying to be decent. You’re trying to get credit for literally saying and doing fuck all.

News flash, asshole: if something this minor makes you decide to “stop being a good person”, you were never a good person. You were never an ally, you were never decent, and you were never not a racist.

#11 “this list is not productive nor a good conversation starter” guy

Even one of my medical-school classmates seriously asked me, “Why does the African-American diet consist mostly of watermelon and fried chicken?”

“You killed a great list with a tone jumping off the page that screams just don’t talk to me.”

Cry harder Brad. No one is obligated to give you attention, affection, sex, or even the time of day. Her terms were not unreasonable, stated calmly, very clear. If her tone jumping off the page is not to talk to her at all, that’s... TOTALLY OK TO BE A THING. Women do not owe you conversational openers. Period.

Tone policing, really? Sometimes we really just DON’T want you to talk to us. #1-4 are excellent examples in which everything in a woman’s body is screaming “Don’t talk to me.” If you are insulted by the fact that I want to work out or talk on the phone in peace, you don’t deserve attention, and YOU’RE the one being

I hate that “women are mysterious” shit. That’s just an excuse for dudes who want to intentionally misread women’s signals - or ignore them completely - so they can do whatever the fuck they want to do. I’m not mysterious; you just need to listen to me and use your brain for a couple minutes.

You expressed that men are asking for help.... I can appreciate that.

If someone is playing games with you they’re not ready to date, and my advice for you is to say goodbye, not try to out-play them. Which goes to my point (where I did say that I can’t speak for all women): if you can’t tell what’s going on then don’t flirt with that person. It’s not a good use of your time either way.

Them kind of ignorants just irk the shit outta me. You can tell Mr. I Ain’t Shit that Child Support specifically was created and mandated by the court system to keep women and children off of public assistance. This was because white men, specifically, walked away from their obligations to support their children when

Don’t forget Hotep twitter and Facebook.

“Where do people get these stupid fucking ideas?”

A White guy at lunch today tried to argue that somehow feminism is responsible for absurd alimony\child support payments and that the current system was what “women wanted”. Where do people get these stupid fucking ideas?