This is what I want to do to my ‘89 Eclipse, minus around 100 horsepower and several hundred pounds. The manual transmission is actually an asset, conversions of automatics are a lot more difficult.
This is what I want to do to my ‘89 Eclipse, minus around 100 horsepower and several hundred pounds. The manual transmission is actually an asset, conversions of automatics are a lot more difficult.
My ‘89-’90 Eclipse lived to see this day. Damn. When will it be a classic? 2020?
The MINI lineup gets away with round headlights, why the hell not the bus?
They’re still out there, the DSMs. They haven’t gone, though many are sleeping.
What assholes. If you’re going to try to get your stupid adrenaline high and scare the bejeezus out of your poor loved ones in the process, at least do it where your dumbass body falling at terminal velocity can’t hit some innocent person or their car.
WHAT in the WHAT
Yeah, no offense, but you totally should have seen that coming. It’s not like these characteristics of lifts are a secret.
Nah. Gyrocopters aren’t flashy enough. Saw a hot air blimp (think James May’s Caravan Airship) going for $12,000 one time, and with that you can bring along your friends.
*Jaws theme commences*
David Duke is the greatest living (undead?) proof of the theory that human society is being infiltrated by shapeshifting alien lizards.
I flatly refuse to get any sort of smartwatch whatsoever until the damn things can take useful dictation. I want to be able to bark “Computer!” at it like Captain Picard and have it carry out its functions without having to paw at the tiny screen with my sausagey meat-fingers like a gormless idiot.
Well said.
“Deplatforming?” Please. Get back to me with some real fucking oppression. They have every right to spew nonsense, just as colleges and their students have every right to tell them to go take a hike.
I think the WORST approach is to ignore them. The Republicans have tried that for decades and they ended up taking over the damned party. When you let these racist views lie unchallenged, all they do is fester and spread.
Honest question: have you personally ever experienced this kind of systemic anti-white racism Paul’s talking about? Do you know anyone who has?
Sweet Jesus. It’s like a Prowler had crazy monkey sex with a Jeep Wrangler.
What in the goddamn?
What in the hell do you daily drive?
That wouldn’t work on a normal car even if it had a 100% efficient panel covering it’s entirely surface. Cars are too small and dense, and sunlight just isn’t that powerful.
I love electric cars and even I want these people to go out of business already—they’re giving EVs a bad name with their flimflammery and nonsense.