Joshua Starman Fraustro

Oh yeah, totally people will be switching during that gap. My apologies for the confusion.

Something, yeah. Or have a bounty for a ridiculous weapon that requires clears of all the raids on a special max-level mode (kinda like the last part of Thorn). Keep all the raids important and worthwhile.

Or maybe a monthly heroic raid to complement the weekly/daily? It'd be insane if they *didn't* do something like that to give hardcore players more to do between House of Wolves (presumably March) and Comet (presumably September).

You should try DestinyLFG. It's really easy to get groups on there.

House of Wolves is literally the make-it or break-it point for Destiny.

still waiting sparrow races.....or at least good color combinations to customize your outfit

The dumbest part of this: the draft board isn't Ford's own opinions of where the players should be selected, and what they may turn into in the future. Rather, it's his assessment of where the players will go based on feedback he's getting. In other words, the rankings in his draft boards are supposed to be largely

So why do we still pre-order things again?

This isn't surprising in the least; Russell is just so locked in that even off the court, he's still not passing up chances to take shots.

somebody tell the NBA about the music playing in the backgorund

The Beta is as broken as MCC, I'm barely able to start matchmaking now.

I suppose the people who were unable to play a game that they had purchased probably care. Also, the people who wanted to buy the game and couldn't find it. Plus people who are just generally on the side of the consumer probably care about this type of thing. Certainly enough people to warrant an explanation.

God, this review is so on point. I stopped reading to clap/wipe tears from my eyes several times.


Firefighter. EMT. Nurse. Doctor.

How is it a problem for people with weekend jobs? You mean to tell me if someone has a weekend job they can't take 5 minutes out of their Friday or Saturday to run to the Tower and buy what they want from Xur? Or at least see if he has anything of worth? Getting to Xur isn't time consuming or inconvenient, getting the

Happy Zip Zop Zoopadee Doop!

On the Se7enth Day of Christmas...