
@mass9: is it weird that i thought the same thing, but i don't even own a 360? #douglowenstein

@hurricanedj: believe it or not i've left out a few more ps3 games that i still haven't got around to yet o.O

why do i get the feeling that this is gonna be an announcement of another announcment? #finalfantasyxiii

I'm not boycotting, I'm just not interested. "Oh yeah? Well I'm busy playing _____!"

@deanbmmv: heh. horatio caine one-liners never get old. it's too bad that epic one liner site went down. #multitap

@deanbmmv: my mistake. he wrote, "in essence all PC gamers are hardcore gamers in the truest sense". When I first read his comment, I interpreted it as that only PC gamers are hardcore. As a general statement that PC gamers, in general, are hardcore I can agree. But not every last PC gamer is hardcore, as my last

@deanbmmv: i'm not sure what Shawnrw222 edited, but i just read this thread as it stands now. while i agree with almost everything Leanid has pointed out, i can see what Shawnrw222 is trying to say.

@rainofwalrus: nah it just says "CAP-99999". thaks for hte info, i was wondering what car that was. and i very much like the SF grill too #streetfighteriv

@fuchikoma: It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.

@Thomathan: i was thinking more along the lines of "oh, it's just a box", "?", or "!"

Cardboard box?

MGS3 and MGS4 came pretty close, but for some reason I just don't cry. #finalfantasyx

@RogueA: I dunno if it's just me but Coulon's voice kinda reminds me of Wierd Al. #left4dead2

Left 4 Portal confirmed!

@mass9: ohh and instead of parrots, do you have canada geese? friggin things are everywhere in waterloo... poopin all over the friggin place...