
@FlashIV: four words for you. check the video.

@shiner980: i got the bag with the ps3 version. i must say, it's decently made and larger than you expect it to be. gotta love the freebies.

@Sutekh: "Hey girl I got somethin' real important to give you,

hm when i first saw this story on yahoo or something, it said the policemen threw in grenades.. or so i remember. either way, that's one crazy story ..

@Ganji: yeah.. i'm getting the same problem too..

"I bent my Wookiee"

@Neko_Tech: i got to 3:4 and then my internet kinda died so the next level never loaded =(

quote Homer S.: "FUGU ME!"

trying to save money to get mk vs dcu, far cry 2, and fallout 3.

that was a great trailer. although i was kinda expecting some more explosions.. something like..

03. Wagamama Fashion Girls Mode (DS) ?

".. a new 20-minute workout every day"

is anyone else finding it ironic the drummer is hitting the yellow pad and it's making the cowbell noise ?

has anyone seen "Art of the Saber" ? SW fanfilm which has undoubtedly the best saber action i've seen... ever.

komtaku ?