
@liquid_kore: appearantly Canada is unworthy lol. Thanks for the link though !

@RuneX21: Since when does a game need to have a story for it to be fun and considered "good" ?

@boringjob2: im-ag-in-aaaa-tion.. im-ag-i-naa-tioon... im-agi-na-tion.. iim-agg-ina-tionnn...

"Where the #$%& is the red shell - I need a red shell!"

@Shandy706: meh i was too lazy to try to calculate. ohh but i forgot to add in the bonus dvd... so perhaps 85gb isn't too far off ?

is anyone else hoping for TDK Joker Sackboy ??

how long would it take to run a pc game ? ..assuming it's possible ..

i heard ff13 was being made on the 360.. read somewhere else that it was gonna be on ps3 and pc before 360, and decided not to care. then nintendo decided to show off their air music skills. something about kratos shouting at the top of a mountain or something.. xbox live was getting mii-like things... home still

@Andrewteix: lol i wonder what people would think if they see MAX __YNE

@thegreatjordino: i'm sure $1500 would be enough to get you to japan. getting back, however, is a different story lol...

Luke... i'm not even gonna ask about that picture.

@Seanross: i dunno why but i didn't like the movie that much.. i thought the ending to the episodes was so perfect.

@Tom Clancy's Samuraidino: @CHU BOI: you took the words right out of my mouth. i saw the cutscene and i was like.. wait did he just CQC snake into a HUG ???

50 KP - Don Mattrick will not sport Peter Moore style tattoos (2:1)

It's times like this I kinda wish I wasn't in university and broke... or that I won the lottery (i haven't even won a free ticket yet!)