
“No Botox” might be the real deal-killer.

Are they going to put gay couples/kids back in the closet too? Refuse to allow anyone to take birth control? No Botox or fillers for the duration of filming?

Traditional husband and wife roles?!? Come on, bravo.

I’m a NY voters who supported Clinton in 2016 and generally has respect for her, but after the last year and a half I see her as the fading representative of the old Democratic establishment. She is absolutely not who I want to see involved in anything to do with running this country going forward, because it’s her

Teenagers did as they were told in the 60s?

Modern democratic politicians are cowards, sell-outs and losers. Let’s face it, theres only one person that can save the democratic party and our country, and I think we might finally have the technology to bring him back.

Dull surprise, establishment endorses establishments. What’s the point of her making an official announcement if others are going to release it before she does?

That sounds rough. At your trivia night and everything. Wow. Do you need a hug?

Hillary endorsed Nixon in 1960, fat lot of good it did then


Hot take: political experience is overrated and doesn’t actually matter, and a person’s values matter far more than how long they’ve been a politician

Status Quo. Power keeps power in power

Hillary Clinton is the embodiment of Democrats that want to continue to remain centrists/Republican light. Are you just mad that Cynthia Nixon is a woman and doesn’t have the equivalent of “Bernie Bros” even though her platform is pretty much the same? Who can take the blame for a shitty candidate not winning this

Hillary is all about upending the status quo and changing the world when she is trying to get elected, but when someone else is trying to do the same...... she is for keeping things exactly the way they are. She screwed herself out of the presidency.

Just to be clear: are you actually supporting Andrew Cuomo here

I think it’s actually better for Cynthia that HRC is not endorsing her.

Is there an inverse to the ‘Why not both?’ meme. Like, ‘why either?’ or ‘preferably not Cuomo but also not an actor with no governing experience?’

This would be easier if you address one topic per post:

What legal precedent are you saying that Obama set?