
It doesn't seem like he's actually a Pokemon. He doesn't do any regular pokemon-things (not that I can think of any examples). It seems like they just threw a Pikachu shaped avatar into a little device they made.

So they replace those maps approximately once a year. There are a few maps at each stop and in a million other places all over the city. You would think it wouldn't be super hard to find old maps. But it is.

Chiss are like killer whales or those owl butterfly things, those are their decoy eyes. In reality they have little pinner eyes hidden in their brows.

Believe me, there's a lot worse than The Walking Dead out there.

That's what I was expecting.

I think we should have 28 day months and just leave it at that. Wouldn't it be a little fun and unexpected when you'd tell your kids, "when I was young summer was in July, now it's in November", and they'd laugh and go to their new year parties on April 17th and they wouldn't be totally sure how old they were and it

Yeah. I don't know what is going on here. They're all good pictures, but...?

It's definitely not a bad movie, but I insisted my friends go see it based on the good review here and we were very surprised to be watching a two hour Marines commercial. My dislike of the movie is more embarrassed because it's really not the movie I thought it was going to be and because of that my friends now doubt

Thaaaat's where I know her from.

I hope they get it on the Galaxy Nexus soon. The new keyboard is good, but I'm still attached to Swype.

I desperately want to find one of those published stories and randomly quote them on io9.

The exciting part is the amount of experience you get for 4 minutes of easy gameplay.

I've tricked a few people with the "let's just watch the first episode" thing. "Oh, I forgot to tell you the pilot was a mini-series."

I think the argument is that it's eight single-player games for the price of one plus a monthly fee.

I agree with Kryle, this launch is looking appropriately massive. They won't have to resort to free-to-play for a while. Also, if they do change it over they'll have to set up a bunch of micro-transactions that just aren't there yet.

I'm telling all my friends who are still drowning in the games released in November to just wait a month or two. MMO launches aren't super fun. But I will say that I'm glad I made time to play it this last week, it's incredibly satisfying.

Those people on the TOR forums are being crazy about this Grace Period thing. I'm pretty sure it happened to one or two people and a bunch of people jumped on the troll wagon started shouting.

It's gunna be a trilogy.

Disney thinks they're justified in doing this because they saw The Princess and the Frog crash and they probably think that changing Rapunzel to Tangled was why that was a success (relatively). The "Of Mars" thing is apparently because of Mars Needs Moms. These guys are ridiculous, but they have ammo.

I'm unamerican as well and I'm bored of these same old heroes too. Occasionally someone does something interesting with one or two f them, but most of the time it's just lists and lists of different that keep going on and on.