
It's like hearing about Disney sequels/prequels. No body is really going to count them. Obviously Watchmen was a stand-alone conclusive story and this is just a lack of creativity or else a desperate attempt to make money using a known brand name.

I wouldn't mind a galaxy map. I still have my Star Wars Galaxies map.

How can I convince my non-reading room-mates to read books? I've given them books and graphic novels that I've found engaging and addictive and it's not working.

I love Abed's impressions. His Han Solo was a little bit fun, but his Don Draper was classic.

That's how you get me to come to Jalopnik, post pictures of her.

Have they used the word Motovation yet?

heh heh. You liked that, did you?

I disagree that the EU has had significant technological advancement. The XJ X-Wings and the Stealth-Xs come to mind and occasionally they mention new capital ships, but 40-140 years later in the Legacy era Star Destroyers are still the primary capital ship in the Republic fleet. That's ridiculous. Another thing that

It really is eight games. They could charge you the full amount to play as each class or they could have given us a game with two storylines and released a bunch of other classes as DLC. It really is worth the money. And if you're like Stephen up there you probably won't be playing for the long haul anyways so you

I was talking to an electrician friend of mine and he was laughing about how quickly rich people have moved from demanding CFLs and LED lights and want incandescent lighting again. Apparently the saving money, effort and the world thing wasn't appealing enough.

Nah, the bulge isn't noticeable in a pocket and it's kind of nice to grab onto.

Well... there isn't actually that much set between episodes 3 and 4. The Clone Wars end in Episode 3 and the animated series are set between 2 and 3. They've had Rebellion comics and a few Han Solo books (they'll probably be de-canoned soon) and bunch of Darth Vader stuff but it's a conspicuously unexplored era.

Somebody once told me that the reason why SW tech doesn't take leaps forward is because it's a space fantasy not sci-fi. In the fantasy genre they don't progress technologically. I'm not 100% convinced that Star Wars isn't science fiction, but it's an interesting thought.

If they cut it down to just one Jedi and that Jedi is this guy then I won't have any problem with that.

I don't think Avengers or these other movies will fail... that's the problem. These actors aren't going to be so cheap and easy after making three or four successful movie with the studio.

I'd be amazed if Marvel could afford another Avengers movie in 4 or 5 years.

Well at least you acknowledged the "phoenix" thing. I laugh at people who complain about Jean Grey constantly coming back but forget her name.

I was only focused on the SW comic news this year, and we got a lot. They're continuing Knights of the Old Republic, inexplicably, but let's not question a good thing. And John and Jan are reuniting to create the origin of the Jedi. They're the most talented Star Wars comic writers so I'm glad they're doing something

No Calculus in the movie though... sad.

I imagine it would be maddening if you want to go to only the biggest shows, but if you spread it out a little and try out smaller bands things are much more enjoyable. You don't have to panic to buy a ticket and prices are usually more reasonable.