I knew a kid who had another thumb on top of his useful thumb. It was less cool, except that he could go "two thumbs up" with one hand and he used to give out "high sixes". But it's only funny the first time, and even then...
I knew a kid who had another thumb on top of his useful thumb. It was less cool, except that he could go "two thumbs up" with one hand and he used to give out "high sixes". But it's only funny the first time, and even then...
I grin like a fool every time they mention streets or parks in the show.
Thirded. Except saying "pretty" qualifies the statement.
If boardgame movies are conversely proportional to how fun the games are then Candyland should be awesome. (I do actually believe that it would be good.)
I agree with most of those, except for the comic book script pitch. Out of work writers can write great scripts and never get any attention. But a good comic book can make a big difference. Sure we'll get a lot of crappy one-shot comics, but one little writer might have a good idea.
That's why I love living in BC, it's still a little bit dark over here.
I wonder if she left blue handprints all over the set. That would be the best.
My personal sloga is "Always believe in".
I don't know if they'd have to pay me to get yelled at by Troy Baker.
I don't know if they'd have to pay me to get yelled at by Troy Baker.
So can I use nail polish remover?
I wish we had a subway system we had to worry about. Oh no, the Cambie tunnel might get flooded! Oh well, no one's on it anyways.
I would happily by this if it superseded Nielsen.
I think that second example was the Death Eaters, but I get your point.
That's really, really sad. I always try to think about that when movies or TV shows or whatever have potential then end up being disappointments. Thousands of people tried to make it work. They weren't all money hungry executives. At least one person put their heart and soul into every piece of crap. Then we spend an…
That was a good show. I wonder if it would still look good if I rewatched it these days...
It's true that with 2 things aren't black and white, but still. I firmly believe that as genre fans we shouldn't trust FOX. Any Fringe, Dollhouse or Sarah Connor fan who watches the Nielsen numbers knows that being a fan of these shows is stressful and a half. And the fact that these shows have been renewed isn't so…
I'm fine with it not getting turned into a weekly series. I love BSG, but I can't handle the stress of another Caprica situation. The will they or won't the cancel it is painful.
Awww, don't feel so sad. Just try not to get emotionally attached to shows until you see their average Nielsen numbers and never assume that a movie or video game will get a sequel. And never, never get attached to a TV pilot.
I'm not sure if this is what this guy is talking about (that was way over my head), but the scariest thing I ever learned about was Resonance Disasters. When vibration at the exact frequency of a structure causes it to catastrophically fail. It's not really a huge danger because engineers are aware of it and…