
I'm a little bit creeped out at how exactly your casting fits with mine. Those first four are exactly who I was thinking. Bob Hoskins is the only one that differs. Were you listening to the audiobook too?

It was a pretty fantastic adaptation. If I was in your position I'd read all the published books then come back and watch the show.

I'm on the second Dark Tower books after getting constantly nagged by my friends to read them. The first one bored me for a while, but I'm enjoying the second one a little bit more.

So if we're not planning to go 13 seasons with True Blood I kind of hope they start pulling ideas from all the books instead of just doing one book at a time... mostly I'm worried about getting bored next year. Also I really want to see the New Orleans stuff and that convention thing.

Panels don't have to cost that much, do they? A mile wide poster isn't going to get people talking as much as an entertaining panel. SDCC doesn't have to be a multi-million dollar spectacle. The marketers need to see the con as just another way to reach specific fans and not the only way.

I wish language was still in that stage of evolution. Now that we have dictionaries and we're translating between languages there isn't room for that kind of ambiguity. Sure we can write or speak metaphorically about things and screw with our language, but it kind of sucks that it's possible to use words wrong.

Rutina isn't the best actress. That quivering chin kind of drives me nuts. But I do like the character. It's not her fault that the only time she gets involved in the supernatural she gets raped metaphorically or literally. I think in season 2 the writers didn't see this pattern they had established, and then in

It's okay to dislike specific seasons of a show. You're still allowed to be a fan.

His life expectancy seems to be getting two minutes longer every week.

I was thinking that same way for two years. It drove me nuts that the vampire phenomenon was taking up valuable space on HBO. But I finally gave in and watched it. It wasn't at all what I expected.

Jason really needs to sleep with a vampire. He clearly doesn't know what he's missing. I wouldn't mind if it was Sophie Ann. Or maybe Pam could get a strap-on and show him what's what.

Stephen Dorff is ripped! (I think that's him.) Good god. I had to zoom in to make sure that wasn't some kind of leather chestplate.

Yeah, but I want Luke to die.

It feels like it's time for another big death in the EU.

The Han and Chewie dynamic was getting pretty old, and he kind of made Han and Leia's relationship odd.

That's what I've always though, but then I feel a little racist for suggesting it.

I think so to, but my friends who are watching the show without the books seemed to really need that part. They were still freaking out a little bit because Sean Bean was gone. They said they'd quit if Jon Snow got killed too. After that scene they were a little sated knowing that he's going to be around and awesome

He seems to just run to the press whenever he has an inkling of a good idea. So we get all excited because they are, undoubtedly, great ideas, but he can't follow through on all of them... it kind of looks like he can't follow through on any of them.

That's what I was thinking too, but at least with this show if it only goes two seasons they'll probably be able to fully adapt the first book which is more than enough for me.

That's what I was thinking! Someone should look into Smallville too. No wonder Lois and Lana are so erratic, in every episode they get knocked out.