
Probably if you're planning to go into a life of heroics you should just avoid deep relationships. You're best friend will be you're nemesis, your sidekicks will be killed (possibly again and again), your first love doesn't stand a chance, and your true love will live an insanely traumatic life full of kidnappings and

There are probably countless amazing novels that almost no one has read because of timing issues. One of my favorite books, A Confederacy of Dunces almost slipped completely under the radar. Check out that story here: [en.wikipedia.org]

I forgot that Christian Bale was even going to be in the next Batmann movie. Hahaha. It's too easy to get caught up in all the other casting rumors (and he's also turning into the most boring person in the cast).

That's what I was going to say! I kept waiting for Trent Reznor to start whispering.

As a species, we kind of suck. If oil was our only unsolved problem that would be pretty bad, but it's just one issue.

I don't trust ABC Family. They may have once had The Middleman and Kyle XY, but both were unceremoniously dumped once they weren't raking in amazing numbers.

That's definitely the cover? I only ask because I don't really want to buy the old books and then go get this one and the cover design doesn't match (that happens way too often).

I've been rewatching True Blood, because after Game of Thrones is I'm usually still craving more HBO.

Being a linguist would be fun, but I think after a while you'd be so aware of what you're saying that you'd end up speaking like John Malkovich.

You might have read that wrong. It says it'll "characterize" her. Likely she'll be revealed as the hateful wife that she is. And if you look closely at episode 2 you'll see that she did have a wolf executed and she also (presumably) sent an assassin after Bran.

They had a similar little article in National Geographic this month. Apparently humans have worked so hard domesticating annual crops because they were easier, now scientists are rethinking that. If they can fast forward through a few thousand years in the domestication of perrenial wheat, rice, etc they can plant

Regardless of my massive indifference towards this show, Lea Michelle's jacket is fantastic.

What was the deal with that other Twilight book getting leaked? Wasn't that enough for her to not print it? If someone can do that again maybe it'll piss her off so that she gives up completely.

Same here. I just want to get some yarn and weave it into a fancy dancy basket.

My battery life was getting ridiculously bad there for a while. And my data usage was steadily rising. I was getting extremely desperate. I kept turning apps on and off, I was using Tasker to turn off every service I could whenever I wasn't using it. And nothing was helping. My phone was becoming useless. Then earlier

Star Wars: Legacy: War 5 of 6 comes out tomorrow. Anyone else reading it? I'm sad to see the series end (again), but I'm pretty sure that Dark Horse isn't stupid enough to abandon that timeline and those characters.

It's true. And if it keeps happening every day there won't be any twists left in the whole season.

"Available in three different flavors: tangy cheddar, spicy lentil, and corn chowder."

A good change for sure. The book had a slightly surprising twist on the barbarian marrying our hero, but it felt strange.