
I hope he's playing a Benjamin Linus type anti-villain. He'd be great at that.

Does anyone else hear the Super Smash Brothers announcer every time they see "No Contest"?

I'll bet WP7 is the right OS for many, many consumers. I don't think iOS is what many people believe it is. I think many people have never touched a smartphone that isn't an iPhone. They have no idea how much they've given up for perfectly smooth scrolling and a shiney UI. I think Android should try to improve, but

I did the old "highway hypnosis" thing throughout March. I kept myself busy so I didn't die during the wait for Game of Thrones. Now we're in April. It's the home stretch. I can start a count down that isn't depressing.

The photo of Victoria Hervey (who?) looks like it was shot in a fun-house mirror.

Just reading that slight mention of the Maleficent movie almost made me black out with excitement.

The default isn't great, but you can very easily switch keyboards. Doesn't that make up for it?

Most definitely that's true. But it might be a good thing. If Android is anything it's utilitarian. From a marketing point of view that's not great, but it doesn't seem to be hurting the sales that much.

Smart move. I don't see it hurting the Android "business" (if that's even possible) and it'll make consumers less angry in the long run.

If I was going Immortals would be at the top of my list. Tarsem is a god, and it looks like he got an appropriately large budget to play around with.

Now playing

Possibly this scene involving chloroform from Community is my favorite this season.

Weird story. My Aunt had some sort of epilepsy or something. She had seizures quite often. My grandparents were very young when they had her. Their parents insisted that they take her to have a lobotomy. After that she was essentially brain-dead. She went mostly blind too, maybe because of the procedure. We have this

Do it.

The bird shooting scene was the peak of the Betty storyline. I think that's when everyone saw her as an interesting character. Unfortunately that might have been the only time I thought she was interesting.

Jane was only in two episodes last year. I think she's just a recurring guest now.

January Jones is quite awful. At first I thought she was just playing that role, but the more I see her the worse she seems. She's undoubtedly beautiful, in a Barbie kind of way, but that's not a reason to keep her.

It'll go one sale eventually, and I'll get it then.

I wish I had the money and dedication to notice something like this.

Warner Brothers comes up with the weirdest DC plans. I guess the dumb part is that they announce them and puposefully rile up their fan base.

Today I discovered that I'm tall. I never knew that and now I'm very proud of myself.