
There’s a Doctor Who gif for every occasion. I’ll just leave this here.

This video was brilliant!

FINALLY!! Said no one ever.

Tearaway Unfolded and Super Mario Maker for me!

Where is this restaurant and how can I give them all of my business?

They can’t use that!! They’re then gonna say it rips off the Pepsi logo!!

So I have 6.3 and 4.8 down (give or take .2 each), now I just need to find my soul mate! (Easier said than done)

Agh! Must. Not. Spoile! Jan 8th is so far away!

This year I’ve mostly just wanted MGSV (which I have now), and Mario Maker (which I will own!) My only disappointment is that there’s no SMB2 (Doki Doki Panic) options.

Picked up my copy this afternoon and immediately snapped this. I’ll just leave this here.

I’ll just leave this here...

Poor cat doesn't have the eye of thundera with him to summon help.

I’m not even into dudes, but I’d go gay for him. He's such a humble, quality man. I want to be him.

What about these sideburns?

We should all write!

What happened to then?!

Waiter, there's a FF8 Ifrit in my unofficial FF7 side-scrolling game.