Dollar, Dollar Bill

Kathy Hilton—who isn’t even a cast member but still regularly pops up, which means she wants to be on the show but doesn’t want cameras in her house all the time

No worries. It has Eco right in the name. 

This is just a Nick Cannon joke waiting to happen, except it won’t be from Nick Cannon so it’ll be funny.

LOL, the U.S. is a net exporter of crude oil.... so, guess what... we do produce our own! The rest of your diatribe is similarly misinformed.

How long until he does something that violates equal housing rights?

I’m sure it’ll go fine when whatever’s left of Kanye’s Black fandom starts living shoulder-to-shoulder with Kanye’s new fandom of white supremacists. 

The shortage is a global situation. The EU is at its lowest supply since 2004, and the U.S. supply has dwindled in part due to the significant exports of diesel to the EU to assist with their shortages resulting from Russia’s war, the French refinery worker strike, and overall refinery closures due to the pandemic.

Yeah but this way the fossil fuel industry can help the GOP sweep the midterms and usher in our inevitable future as an authoritarian petro-state.

You know that liberals only occasionally use that term to mock you goobers for your absurd overuse of it, right?

As a Jewish person, I wouldn’t go patting the broader Jewish community on the back. There are plenty of very conservative Jewish folk who tolerate all sorts of bad behavior from politicians because Israel or something. Like I have Jewish relatives whose parents were Holocaust survivors who don’t think twice about

I’m confused, where in this article do we see anything about the servers caring about him or his opinions? Only thing I see is them calling out his constant mistreatment of them.

You sound like someone who yells at waiters

Time to see a bunch of lifted-bro! diesel trucks on the road with hoarded diesel swimming pools in their truck beds

most of us in the queer community”

I wish. I work paycheck to paycheck, and I’m still paying off student loans from the ‘90s. 

Not just keys, but, you know, knobs and dials and switches. Did I need a touchscreen to change the volume of the radio or turn the AC cooler?

“Maybe your car should not rely on an unreliable outside source for daily operation?”

I’ll just save myself the trouble and pour some real bourbon in my Dr. Pepper.

Eventually the populated area will grow to encircle the airport.

To snag a sample of Fansville Reserve, you’ve got to sign up for Dr. Pepper’s “Pepper Perks” program. Once you sign up and log in, you must play a scratch-off game through the Perks website for a chance to win some Fansville. You can play daily throughout the duration of the promotion. So you can’t just, like, buy the