Dollar, Dollar Bill

The morning after the Stranger does his spell on the tree, the Grove is teeming with new life. The dead tree now bears juicy red apples. In return, Sadoc gives the Stranger directions to the big people, where he might find information on his lost stars. Nori gives him an apple before sending him on his way and

Before Trump, the puppy torture and Walkers admission of paying for abortion would have had the Right turn their back on them. Now....they dont care. Fox News is defending them and just spewing lies. I bet in 2022 we get a straight up Neo Nazi running who does so openly with full GOP support. They do not give a fuck.

Which leads to the other issue: how easily is everyone able to be paid off into forcing players to get hurt more frequently?

It’s a Senate race, so it’s statewide results and not by district. It’s more because (a) Republicans who were undecided have resigned themselves to Oz or nothing, and (b) the GOP are blowing their entire war chest on OH and PA. That said, Fetterman still holds a 4-point lead.

>>Halbrand’s mysterious absence in this episode will no doubt send conspiracy theorists into a tizzy.<<

Cruelty to animals (or humans) doesn’t cross the line. Neither does rape, murder, incest, bribery, solicitation of prostitution, corruption of any kind, pathological lying, being plain stupid or criminally insane, being a Russian patsy, etc etc..

There’s not going to be a lockout or new contract deal for a good long time as the current deal runs through the 2030 season.

The polls are tightening. He might win, no matter what he does or says. That “R” in front of his name is everything.

Because he knows that the “good people of Pennsylvania” will vote him in if he promises to hurt the people they hate.

Last week’s action-packed blood feast finally delivered Rings fans the epic battles TV viewers crave.

You might want to fact check your first paragraph.

I would 100% watch a Merry and Pippin series inspired by the Hangover movies.

There are so many idiotic points argued in this article that it’s difficult to know where to begin, so I’ll just address a couple of things.

These are not real people let alone real black people. Its a world with dragons and magic. 

Wait a minute, the LAPD is claiming that he fell from a high height where he had been demonstrating how to grapple with someone? That sounds like something the Kremlin would say after murdering one of Putin’s critics. 

I would go one further and say the default state of your washer door should be “open”. It should only ever be closed when running.

The key being, “by the end.”

I used dryer lint to start a campfire once as a visual demonstration for my sons and a couple of their friends. They’re all in college now, so I’m hoping that stuck with them.