Adults can cry at concerts. That’s perfectly normal because the excitement and anxiety is heightened and you’re sharing your feelings with 100s of other people.
Adults can cry at concerts. That’s perfectly normal because the excitement and anxiety is heightened and you’re sharing your feelings with 100s of other people.
Cheung once again repeats the lie about Sudekis serving the papers.
Olivia separated from her husband and father of her children, and is now coupled with someone much younger than she, whom she directed in a film. Historically, yes that maybe something that men have gotten away with, you’re hearing no arguments to the contrary here. But in this year 2022, that is ABSOLUTELY a thing…
If it hadn’t been for Jezebel, I wouldn’t even have heard of this alleged dispute (or even the movie until a trailer worked its way into a social media feed or an ad in a show). And I’m about sick of the constant repetition about the process server. If you want to keep quoting Sudeikis and quoting Wilde, why don’t you…
Even the way they pulled part of the quote out of context and used it as the headline for this article is feeding the rumor mill. When you read the full quote, she was clearly sticking up for Florence Pugh, but the headline make it come across as a dig.
While not Kylie Cheung specifically, let’s face it... Jez is partly responsible for this phenomenon.
so it was obviously planned
I used to be a big Olivia Wilde fan and I still love Booksmart, but she says some really stupid shit sometimes. Those women aren’t “brought together with joy, loving each other, and cheering for each other”. They’re a bunch of (probably largely teen) young women screaming for a tryhard, cornball, generic white man who…
Good bosses get good workers. Bad bosses get bad workers. As the director, she is basically the boss of the set and her workplace is a chaotic mess and her workers don't seem to respect her. Whinging about her employees to the media just makes her look weak and spiteful.
Oh, that’s exactly my point. It’s a need, but merely an externally (or extrinsically) motivated one. As a condition of this contract (your employment) you will agree to do such-and-such press for the movie. Don’t want the role (or don’t have a good enough agent to negotiate it out)? Fine, we can’t force you to take it.
Especially given, as several posters with legal expertise have mentioned, that he had NO control over where she was served.
It was appropriate because what she said warranted it.
Now, as I said, enjoy your day, as I certainly will mine.
It’s misogynistic to suggest that I’m responsible for the comments of other internet commenters. /s
That’s not cynicism, that’s out and out misogyny of the worst kind.
Honestly, it’s a bit sad that a lot of these actors feel the need to have some deep, abiding love of what it is they do, when in reality, most of the answers could boil down to, “They’re paying me a bunch of money, I like the parties and being a celebrity, I get to travel the world and fuck other beautiful people… is Jason Sudekis “planning that custody mess” when she’s the one who wants to move their kids out of the country?
Lol, is that second quote real, or did you just record my 6 year old explaining why he likes video games?
“Where else do we see this?” she said. “Happy women? Women brought together with joy, loving each other, and cheering for each other?”
Are women at a Harry Styles concert filled with love for each other?
I love how jezebel churned the rumor mill for months, then turned around and asked, "why so sexist, rumor mill?"