Dollar, Dollar Bill

Licorice Pizza is like the LA hipster douchebag equivalent of one of those Adam Sandler movies where he rounds up all his famous actor friends like David Spade and Kevin James to go on vacation with him and then makes a movie studio pay for it. It’s much more well made and enjoyable than any of those shit bombs, of

Don’t worry, he still used the wrong form of affect/effect.

After the Viking Saga was stripped of its printing services in May, the board decided in June to gut the school’s entire journalism program.

So, uh... where are the right wing “Freeze Peach” warriors having a coniption fit over this act of de facto censorship?

I’m 44, have a master’s degree in English, and have worked for over twenty years as an editor and technical writer and I had to look it up. 

They’re just aborting the free press before it can even be born.

God this country sucks, LOL! It’s 2022 and women and minorities are having to fight again for rights we thought were well established.

Eat shit and die Joel Osteen


It seems like Wilde’s “no asshole” policy on set was enacted after LeBeauf and made retro active (and also did not apply to her, or her lead actor).

Olivia Wilde is smart, beautiful, charming, from an upper-middle class background, and I have to believe up until this year she thought there was no situation she couldn’t talk her way out of.

Trying to capitalize off the abuse that Shia LeBouf committed for brownie points, then getting immediately called out is a pretty rough look for Olivia Wilde.

Shia LaBeouf is an actual nightmare, but he has receipts this time. Emails, texts and video he sent to Variety that does seem to suggest he was quitting or he was fired but she tried to bring him back. 

Beyond further proving Olivia Wilde is incapable of not straddling a fence on an issue or a topic even dealing with actors, yikes to the Florence Pugh comments in this one

I fucking haaaaaaate performative religion demagogues. I hate them, I hate them, I hate them.


I’m happy that it appears LaBeouf has found recovery, but he’s the type I steer clear of in my recovery meetings because they think they can say anything from their soap box and some major prescriptive self-righteousness if you don’t align with their way of living. The way he ends his email is so ridiculous, and all

Only in the hellscape that is the United States as brought to you by the ghouls at the Federalist Society would we be having legitimate court battles on whether or not states can prevent doctors from performing abortions when lives are at risk. The judge in Texas who wrote about “the welfare of unborn children” must

Isnt that going a bit far? I am not saying Baldwin isn’t responsible; of course he is since he was holding the gun. Being a movie producer can mean many different things and oftentimes means nothing, except you put up some money and/or get to sit in some of the decision-making. To say he was responsible for EVERYTHING

The title of producer can mean a lot of things. Sometimes it’s someone who is responsible for a lot of things, sometimes it’s a credit handed over to someone who isn’t actually responsible but wants to pretend they could be.