Dollar, Dollar Bill

The fact that so many people—even those with HBO—don’t know about Somebody Somewhere is a true sign of the times. Not that you or anyone else needs to watch it, or that’s it the best thing ever (I think it’s really good) but 10 years ago everyone would at least know of it since it ran with Succession and Barry in the

The reality is that there isn’t any long-term data to say how reliable a three-year-old platform is or isn’t now.

which premiered to a massive viewership on Tuesday

I don’t think this is what “clears the air” means. “Issues a second denial” would be more accurate.

I clicked through just to see if this was on the list so I could comment on how much I hated that kid 26 years later.

I managed to see virtually none of these yet I am in agreement with #1 based on my irrational hatred of Courtland Mead. I wanted him to get the mallet so badly.

Ron DEE-santis

On a show written by three men.

Constantly raising the debt limit ain’t a thing that should be considered Business as Usual.

No way he was in the gym.

Kendall breaking down in “All the Bells Say” and the other two not knowing how to comfort him is it for me.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they intentionally left if pretty open to allow for that possibility but I also wouldn’t be surprised if Strong was like, “no, that character died inside of me” if they ever tried.

I knew they weren’t going to do it but if there were a Six Feet Under-style “where are they now” montage, I most wanted to see a time jump with him wreaking havoc in some country.

I wanted John to be coming home from his shift at a Beignets by Mitch franchise.

I’d take Barry. I thought it concluded the story in a more dramatic, somewhat unexpected, and cathartic way. I liked it fine but I’d also say that the Succession finale suffered a bit from the same thing that the series did—it was very repetitive and people didn’t learn or change. Another contentious board vote.

Joel’s expressions when she starts into “Gloria” are beyond amazing. I need several GIFs.

I have always liked GPB. I just noticed that the Let My Love Open the Door remix from the soundtrack just showed up on Spotify last month after being lost to CDs forever if that means anything to you.

I started saying oh, another long list with likely plenty to nitpick yada yada but then I scanned my old iTunes library and wow, this list is wild with some real egregious omissions that aren’t even in the honorable mentions.

I can’t stop laughing at Winning Team Publishing. Is this what they mean when they say manifest success?