Dollar, Dollar Bill

It was before the current era of “limited series” but I agree.

I wish I didn’t know this.

Assuming they never sell another mini, I will have to leave iPhone once the 13 mini becomes unsupported.

Feels hot-takey to have it at only 10.

There is an org from the 90s that held some inductions but it seems to have generally fizzled out and there still isn’t an actual museum despite plans to build one in NYC.

It is and they maybe should’ve thought about updating it but someone started a “Pop Music HoF” after they got going. Didn’t you see Dolly’s “rock” song that she wrote to qualify (in her mind). It was amusing and of course not bad since it came from her.

If you say “snub” you have to say who you think didn’t deserve it over them. I actually voted in their little poll and voted for ATCQ so I’m amenable to the argument but you should make it rather than just complaining—that is if it’s worth compaling about the R&R HoF at all. This comes up every year. Since they moved


I believe CFA is #3 in terms of locations (KFC #1, by far; Popeyes #2, by a bit).

I would’ve worked in some sort of a Goodfellas “You want X? Fuck you; pay me” reference instead.

Or even cite some actual polling or something.

What kinds of evidence do you want? I have eyes that I used to see firsthand. I’ve also seen hardware matrices by job family that I’ve used to procure my own and that of my team for years. I don’t know what you’re on about as this isn’t some wild claim. Have a good one.

Because I left open the possibility as I don’t work in IT procurement so I’m talking about of my ass? Do you have a counter argument of some sort?

Worked for two. It’s not a secret. As far as I know all of the business teams at Google and Meta also use them, mixed for Amazon. It’s just to point out that people (seemingly like the commenter) think it’s stupid consumers and creatives who use Macs when.

I’m not even going to reply to them since based on their other comment, they don’t know what they are talking about. Everyone is entitled to their own personal preferences and can make their own value judgements but there’s a reason all of the sites we are on all day are built on Apple. The engineering teams at

I’m worried where this is headed as a long-time Apple hardware user. The margins on banking have got to be better than making MacBooks. It’s not hard to see then struggling to justify R&D and manufacturing of even more of their hardware in non-to-distant future. This smells like 80s GE.

Looks like he was also asked to leave the Lawrence family photo. These just happened to be stacked like this. He’s like a combination of Joey and Matthew.

If Gerri really gets fired, we better get some dick pic harassment conversations that are way more drawn out than Marcia’s payout. She knows so much and the fact that Roman is the one who fired her (breaking all of the advice she had just given him about how not to fire someone, which seems like foreshadowing), would

I really wonder (fear) how the justice system, financial markets, etc. are going to deal with this. If we thought Fox News et al. were threats to objective truth, we haven’t seen anything yet. We will literally not be able to believe or eyes or ears soon.