Dollar, Dollar Bill

We expect a more fulsome update by the end of the week.

I hope they are investigating the situation with the bodyguard who didn’t show for witness tampering. It’s seems highly plausible that he was either paid or threatened to disappear.

Now playing

The bill, which unanimously passed the Senate earlier this month, also restricts public contact with six species: lions, tigers, cougars, leopards, snow leopards, and jaguars.

He’s also likely going to catch some defamation-related suits.

I think I should’ve said truffle “shaver” like this: https://www.williams-sonoma.com/products/truffle-shaver/

This did give me an idea that I’ve been using for 20 years: doing this with a truffle slicer gives me evenly thinly sliced garlic in about 10 seconds. This scene also goes hand in hand with Clemenza making sauce in The Godfather.

We’re less than 4 months out from his 3-year contract extension. He’s probably banking 9 figures for apparently sucking at his job for two years. Another example of great governance by a board.

“I don’t want to work to diminishing returns.”

It may depend on if and how there needs to be any labeling. If it tastes the same and restaurants can swap as they see fit without it being a separate option (e.g., if it’s just Whopper vs. Impossible Whopper), I can see it sticking. Certainly for ground meat or processed foods like nuggets.

Yeah, I’ve been laid off twice and escorted out both times for reasons that had nothing to do with me individually.


I think that’s wishful thinking. This is a perfect encapsulation of what, to me, if the defining characteristic of your average conservative voter—lack of empathy. Something is bad or wrong until I am personally affected in a direct or adverse way by it. I tend to think this blocks most of them from even theoretically

It’s fucking bonkers. Right-wing American Zionists like Sheldon Adelson and those bought by AIPAC have directly given rise to the mainstreaming of antisemitism and actual Neo-Nazism in the US.

Not sure how much we’ll get in the finale but when I think about an upcoming “dance,” I’m struck that we haven’t had much foreshadowing that I can recall in either series about how dragon fighting goes other than the ice dragon thing. Do normal dragons of a house/family naturally like each other? Do they naturally

A reserve deputy/officer is an LEO by common understanding of what that means and usually explicitly by statute. An honory badge holder is most definitely not. Exactly what reserves do varies wildly but that is the distinction being made—they are ostensibly screened and trained on what they do (most look to have a

I just watched a doc on the “Bling Ring.” I’m always surprised at people who have high-value things like jewlery, cash, drugs, etc. and don’t put them in safes.

This prompted me to read from the ADL and others about the difference and why antisemitism is preferred by some. It looks like NYT has adopted this but Merriam-Webster, Cambridge, Collins, Oxford, and dictionary.com all list anti-Semitism as the more common spelling. Maybe explain why you think non-hyphenated is now pr

Wait, don’t grass-fed cattle produce more methane than grain-fed per period of time/calories consumed? I don’t eat beef at all but it looks like grain-fed diets and feeding practices (i.e., get them big quick with calorie dense food) are actually better, as far as methane, at least.

Every news story about this should link to the new Ken Burns doc about America and the holocaust that aired last month for why this matters. It’s terrifying the type of behavior that people are capable of normalizing.