Dollar, Dollar Bill

a Wikipedia page with terrible delivery

My very non-professional understanding is while there may be expectations of certain types of confidentiality, the legal privilege we associate with that concept is nullified when there are third parties present (e.g., groups) except in certain states where there are specific protections to this effect.

your editors

Also, the “I won’t forget this” line from mid season acknowledging Tom was prepared to go to jail for the company, and thus Logan, must have given Tom a level of recognition and validation that he hadn’t got which would’ve led him to believe in the personal upside of siding with Logan.

our street furniture

My standard comment whenever this topic comes up is to remind people that a Double Double is still <$4 (in many places, or a few cents over in others). While it’s probably my favorite fast food burger even if given the choice, what makes it so notable from my POV is that that’s less than the shit fast food options

with a past their prime defense

Having gotten my booster on Sunday and then getting knocked on my ass to a much greater degree than with my first vaccines, I was grateful that I work from home and could do so yesterday when I felt like crap. It did make me think of how hourly workers in general would have to plan more intentionally but, yeah, I have

There have been a few suits filed against the mom and step dad.

I have never seen any of the Roy family as having anything to due with the Trumps (or basically anything other than very, very thinly veiled Murdochs).

I’m trying to think of another drama that can pull in so many fun cameos like Brody, Root, Kirk, Skarsgård, etc. It’s become a show where interesting actors will show up in small roles (vs. some comedies where they just play a version of themselves—sometimes literally). Anyway, this aspect is a joy and I hope it keeps

Humphry Slocombe is probably my favorite (having lived in SF at their dawn). Every once in a while when I’m in NY and I stop by Van Leeuwen, I get something simple like their Sicilian pistachio and I’m like, fuck, they just know how to make ice cream. I currently live closest to a Salt & Straw (among this group) and I

I know nothing about this film but that photo of Damon and Affleck is enough for me to never, ever be interested.

That’s my argument about the Gordita but I gave up hoping.

That’s fair. It’s just such a strained example given Scott’s previous behavior and very specific role in leading to the conditions that became deadly when applied to what appear to be a slew of bad decisions which he may not directly control and are probably endemic. I am reacting to how Chuck seems to be letting him

Of course Chuck is raising what amount to rhetorical questions, to which the answers are obviously always money. But to think Travis Scott personally prioritizes his fans’ safety over his fame and fortune but he is just too scared to be blacklisted from his own festivals by the greedy promoters he chooses to work with

Well, as far as comedic actors at the time, yes. Tim Curry was obviously known as Tim Curry. Madeline Kahn had been around and was very well known for Young Frankenstein, in particular, to the point that she had an eponymous TV series prior. Christopher Lloyd had just starred in Taxi. Eileen Brennan had had a long

Was referring to Eggnogg.


For starters, the technical was a pretty random and not a very interesting one.