Dollar, Dollar Bill

At least we know someone(s) from AVC is still reading the comments (or machine learning is so good now and Jesse didn’t even publish this) as it’s a running joke how every Wes Anderson film-related post devolves into a ranking discussion.

Protecting our community is more important than maximizing our profits,”

Watson told Goldman and the Times that Rao’s behavior was due to a mental health crisis, adding that the COO had subsequently taken time off work and was now back at Ozy

“Consumers likely would have purchased the Yeezy Foam Runner were it not for the cheaper, knock-off imitation shoe.”

and b) came out

Jayapal’s bill, meanwhile, is similarly meant to dissuade the largest platforms—those with at least 50 million monthly active users in the U.S. and a market cap of at least $600 billion—from owning a business that competes against the smaller operators that use that platform. Amazon and its cavalcade of private label

Indeed. Comfort at any temperature is highly relative. It’s why an ambient indoor setting of 78 in summer likely feels cooler than 72 does in winter.

Never heard of it and was about to curse that there was other chain that I can’t try before discovering that there is one here. Unfortunately, it’s in a mall near the airport. Also, their menu is fucking bonkers and I want the chicken sandwhich but most of the food on their site looks repulsive.

To just say “it’s making fun of white women for being white” is inaccurate.

Finland has it right.

He’s a 73-year-old multimillionaire with four grandchildren. I just don’t understand caving to moneyed interests at an age when one is facing down their remaining years. I think some of these people have very warped ideas of what “legacy” means.

And everyone can and should get the HPV vaccine

I had the same understanding but the more I’ve heard recently, it seems like there is maybe consensus that it hasn’t been sufficiently ruled out due to the actual extent of the “investigation” and at least some credible sources think it’s at the very least much more plausible than initially assumed based on things

I just discovered these in the grocery store this year after moving and researching the differences between the two varieties of Thin Mints and discovering that one was made by a subsidiary of Keebler. I haven’t done a side-by-side (plenty of YouTubers have) but my take is that they are virtually indistinguishable from

I didn’t say she was only famous for that. But that it was what started the chain of events that lead to her fame. She isn’t on Singled Out (which is where I knew her from) without the Playboy entertainment stuff. That’s all.

She was 1994 Playmate of the Year. So, she was, objectively, good at taking her clothes off in front of a camera. I’m not being judgmental but it’s the reason why anyone knows her name and how she got the platform to do the damage she has.

no access to screenshot privileges for third-party programs

Seems like it as it wasn’t authored by anyone and could’ve been scheduled by monkeys. Oh, well.

Has anyone considered a boneless chicken thigh sandwich?

*despite G/O’s best efforts.