Dollar, Dollar Bill

I did. I was referring to the other case that’s he’s being sued about, which I didn’t make clear.

I was referring to the other case that’s he’s being sued about, which I didn’t make clear.

Yes. I was referring to the other case that’s he’s being sued about, which I didn’t make clear.

Yes. I was referring to the other case that’s he’s being sued about, which I didn’t make clear.

ETA: I’m referring to the prosecutors in the case that he’s being sued about where he was the medical examiner. They presumably made conscious decisions to “accept” his conclusions as evidence in their care as they always do.

Because prosecutors aren’t interested in the truth. They are interested in winning.

I think you’re looking for Gizmodo.

Lol @ “editors.

Another video game + unintended soundtrack for me: Playing The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker while múm’s Finally We Are No One was seemingly on repeat in the spring of 2003. I can’t think of one without the other, in part because and the sounds from that album (especially the first half) could’ve comprised the

I try not to be a jerk since everyone (certainly including me) makes mistakes but there have been some real doozies lately, including an article by William this week that was partly premised on an easily verifiable falsehood (that smoking weed in NYC parks was legal). I’m genuinely dumfounded how an experienced writer

Of course anything and everything to do with if/how a slave population would be represented is rooted in racism. Debating how the non-slave states were also motivated by other selfish factors in a comparison to the outwardly racist slave states doesn’t change any of that. It sounds like he’s identifying with the slave

That $465 million budget? It situates just one season of Tolkien life in between Israel and Ireland—as in, the countries—on the list of national gross domestic product. It’s a lot of money, is our point.

This made me think of this especially tragic recent event:

If this event doesn’t include an iVape I’m going to be very disappointed in their PR team.

Complains about heteronormative bullshit, chooses picture of subject holding can of sparkling raspberry rose surrounded by flowers to support sarcastic take on their sexual orientation.

But the road to understanding what’s now become known as long covid will take time, nuanced inquiry, humility, and empathy.

One of the bizarre things people used to have to do was know how to drive places without a car. It seems obvious but learning the nuances of a dense city and retrofitted highway system is not easy when you’re not regularly driving. When I moved to Brooklyn, I had to learn the best ways to get home from various places

I still remember being able to get “lost” in parts of NY—even in Manhattan—before the iPhone. Things felt so much bigger and more exciting when there was a sense of discovery and even anxiety.

I am no expert but I haven’t ever been to a dispensary that actually takes cash in WA, presumably for this very reason. It is annoying that you pay by some indirect CC transaction involving crypto. Maybe it’s improved over the last year or so since I’ve been in one. I do remember watching some reality show based in CO

This (well, “pop culture” more broadly) was also recently discussed on the AV Club: