Dollar, Dollar Bill

Besides it being irrelevant, citing “celebritynetworth.com” for facts is laughable. I’m still not sure why The Root allows this author to write under what I have to assume is a pseudonym.

Yeah, until we know exactly how Gobert contracted it (which we won’t) who infected who in nearly all of these scenarios conjecture. From the little I know, it’s possible the kid gave it to him.

New table” you say?

It’s usually delightful. Oral works fine and anal works fine with relatively similar-sized participants and the right lube if condoms are being used (if not, there are usually various lubricants already available; a bonus is the cleanup is easy).

In tangentially related news, I accidentally discovered the new Deadspin today, complete with a very ironic new description since (unless my browser is tricking me) they kept comments disabled across the site:

Did you see her on The Shop? She suggested that she would accept a VP nomination from anyone who asks her (which I’m fine with).

even peer pressured if you will

You can have my ration.

That is my type of soup but there’s been a sustained shortage of a few types of lentils this season before all of this. I haven’t seen red ones in months (granted, I haven’t been looking every day or anything but I have wanted to make soup a few times since the beginning of the year and looked in a few stores). I’m

I live in Seattle and manage a team in NYC. They looked at my like I was crazy two weeks ago when our panic shopping first really hit and I suggested they think about buying supplies like TP and certain drugs and non-perishable food (having lived in Brooklyn for a decade I am aware of the relatively tiny amount per

The way to stop a few drivers from temporarily speeding is to set speed traps and give speeding tickets. The way to stop most drivers from speeding is to simply park out in the open (or install visible cameras or even just signs showing speed). They know that the way they claim to be deterring speeding is not actually


“Worker” is probably the operative term. At all of the polling places I’ve ever used (prior to living in my current state where we mail our ballots), the poll workers are volunteers and who can usually volunteer? The elderly. If we want people to vote (which, of course we proactively, aggressively don’t), we’d get rid

That probably wasn’t the best word choice from a narrative standpoint. I guess I meant it was more contained in scope and consistent in treatment. Media attention and novelty aside, I feel the opposite of your last sentence about the actual content.

Just aired in the US.

I think this season is pretty clearly a touch less magical than The Young Pope

I’m waiting for the response where he says that his grandfather died from influenza, not the flu. There is no way in hell he knows they are the same thing.

Dafuq is a Reagan Battalion?