Dollar, Dollar Bill

You’re one of my favorite writers here but fuck this take. If he has the face mask gripped the opposite way and hits him on the top of the head with the actual helmet, the he could’ve ended his career or worse. My partner had his skull cracked open from a blunt force blow like that and later died from it. I don’t give

In all seriousness, to write the volume of the stuff she writes, there has to be something stunted about her development that keeps her in the zone of that mental age. Or maybe she’s just like the equivalent of a dad who’s intent on reliving his high school sports glory days through his kids.

I feel like you might want to give at least a nod to Drew’s Hater’s Guide as inspiration. Especially since we were robbed of it this year.

I look forward to the follow-up about how drivers cancelling trips affect riders.

I guess this is as good of a place as any to vent about my mixed feelings towards discovering that Deadspin actually appears to have been shuttered. I had intentionally refused to click on any articles post-Sudden Departure (see how I stick to TV by dropping The Leftovers references?) but my muscle memory still causes

Also definitely not an employment lawyer, but wouldn’t she have to claim to have been discriminated against based on membership in class as protected under a specific law? If it’s under the EPA, it’d be gender. If it’s under the ADEA or ADA, it could be race/color. It seems like the issue is the intersection but not

1. Create and trademark brand called “Brandless

1. Create and trademark brand called “Brandless

StarTAC or GTFO.

She’s quite famous.

I’ve ridden BART countless times but apparently not enough to know that eating on the platforms was prohibited by policy, let alone law (the cars, like almost all trains, have signs). It legit would never have occurred to me not to eat something I had with me (or drink a beverage). Among the many thing that cop needs

I just finished S1 (I don’t have cable so had to wait for it to hit Hulu). Is S2 as good?

The Detectorists theme song coming on drops my blood pressure by like 20 points.

My reaction to this list:

Eh. There are real writers on this site but he’s not adding any original thinking to anything. This is just simple aggregating and he’s not good at his one job.

There’s also the virus outbreak at Alexandria

My assumption is that, as long as they all remain, all HBO content (i.e. those shows that air on the HBO channel) will be available on Go/Now but that Max will have all of the additional content from WarnerMedia properties and new, Max-exclusives (in addition to all of the HBO content).

I try not to shit on writers for the sake of shitting on writers and I’ve given up hope of ever being ungreyed on the The Root so I’m comfortable saying that Karu is definitely the weakest link here and desperately needs an editor. He’s on quite a roll lately. I guess no one else wants to work weekends.

I downloaded a lot of music using Limewire over a few years (much of which did lead to me subsequently buy music that I wouldn’t have otherwisethough I’m certainly not going to suggest my activity was a net gain for record labels), as well as porn, as well as software and I never had any issues that I’m aware of. I

The fallen football legend”

TIL that in-theater reaction videos are a thing. Also, I don’t go to the right theaters.