
Moar corners...nom,nom,nom

Guess I’m the only one who liked that ad.

The most underrated part of that goal was when his teammate jumped over the ball and didn’t block that shot. If not for that play, it’s just another deflected ball going into the stands.

Best worst Chris Harris I’ve ever heard. Needed a little more liberal use of “mega.”

I’ll have one in white, please.

You know Jennifer’s perfectionist character in “Juno?” I have always imagined that she is EXACTLY like this in real life. Sometimes, when you have a strong personality like that, the weaker person in the marriage runs the fuck away. Ben seems to like strong women (Gwyneth, J-Lo), but can’t handle the pressure of being

I thought “self-discovery” was code for masturbation. Have I been wrong all these years? When my co-workers asked me over the years what I planned to do on the weekends and I said “a bit of self-discovery” did they think I was going to a Buddhist monastery? Well...now I’m embarrassed...

I’m not understanding the outrage here. She applied for a position the qualifications for which were mostly based on her appearance. Her appearance didn’t match what her potential employer wanted. The end.

No, but seriously my boyfriend lives in Canada. And he goes to a different school, so you wouldn't know him.

*before “Market Adjustment”

Not to mention the recommended specs for it are way too damn high!

I truly think a Wizards team with a healthy John Wall would have pushed this Cleveland team to the limit.

Fuck that I want to see Curry and LeBron go at it.

Well that’s different!

That was their chance for a Barbasol can Easter egg.

Jesika is still bitter about how her family spelled her name. This was her revenge.

Why is Deadspin trying so hard to cram soccer down people’s throats? It’s probably the most highly-covered sport here. Why? They’re routinely the least commented on/shared articles.

Stupid non sports fans expecting normal programming on non sports channels.

Watch “The Prestige” from Christopher Nolan with Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale, you will understand. Plus, this movie is absolutely fantastic!

That still of her should be the logo for black vs white relations. We just need to photoshop a hoodie on Steph.