
Every city has people who say that - Austin, NYC, etc. And that refrain usually comes from recent transplants only.

6. Don’t date women named Ali, they’ll just leave you for a QB or someone more popular.

HA! Yeah, that thought immediately came to mind as well when reading her piece.

Colorado isn’t a secret. Everyone knows.

To be fair, everyone’s “problems” seem magnified and more dramatic during the time it is happening to them.

so its just the cost of living that makes So Cal suck?

Was romantic love an illusion all along?

so he likes bad music, huh

Michelle Pfeiffer and David E. Kelly

Saved by the Bell College Years were the only good ones.

shoot across the room? make a game out of it!

Let’s be honest - yes, DeAndre is a flake, clearly not a man of his word. However it isn’t like the Mavs or Clips would be contenders with him.

Is it surprising? A lot of athletes and adults in general are mentally/emotionally immature.

they all suck, despite how holier than thou they want to position themselves

it is actually pretty easy to track down who accessed a record with EMR

That music is awful, I’d guess you’d have to be drunk to tolerate it for more than a few seconds.

eh, guys who say they hate their own gender or ashamed are idiots just trying to shameless score points.

You can say it, but don’t be shocked if there is a backlash. You can be critical of a country but to “hate” it seems fairly stupid. She made her fame and money from it’s citizens. If it is hated, why not leave? She has the means.

Where would you go?

oh, your original post suggests otherwise