
Going 10 over the speed limit is hardly unique to Houston, you could say that about any major city.

Humanity is crazy, doesn’t discriminate by gender.

These photogenic people tend to be exceptionally boring and phony. The 30 Rock episode with Jon Hamm is a hilariously insightful take on those kinds of people.

Why would any team pay him big money? If I were him I’d take a long term deal. Get the security and stay in the city you and your family is comfortable in.

maybe they absorb fart smells - charcoal lined

you’ll be fine

Keeping gas suppressed is a bad idea. Have to let it rip.

it helps to be handsome

So Hibbert is basically swallowing his pride and taking the money knowing full well the team doesn’t want him?

I agree with all of this. My solution is to go to movies at off times - morning/early afternoon showings and a few weeks after release. Theaters are usually empty - its bliss.

classic Joyce

Good for Japan, I hope they win it all.

Why not bite the bullet and trade Carmelo - get picks or see if the 76ers are dumb enough to give up Okafor + whoever else is need to make the finances work.

30s are old now?

I have to call b.s. on the “Bobby” part. Take pride in your name, if someone has trouble pronouncing it, help them figure it out so they learn. He just sounds like a sellout. Whitewashing isn’t cool.

The Rockets could be scary good if they get Aldridge, and as a Rockets fan I would be thrilled. BUT if I were Aldridge I’d go to the Spurs - they just flat out know how to win. How did they get Danny Green to take a discount?

I feel bad for Dufner, women like that are classic money grabbers. Can’t trust the 9/10’s and up. As for Tiger, why would anyone touch him? He probably has every STD known to man. I guess trash want that money.

Hobby or Bush?

get help

Don’t shame them. Don’t judge them.