Black baby + died after it was born = nothing to see here, folks.
Black baby + died after it was born = nothing to see here, folks.
I am scared shitless by this guy. He is delusional and has decided that the best way to deny his Blackness is to be a bigger white supremacist than the supremacist next door. He must have had one fucked up childhood to come out this way.
One of the people in his custody died of thirst. Literally. His water was cut off to punish him, and not a single person who worked at that jail responded to his pleas for water over the next several days.
I realize there are likely more important things to parse here but, um, a newborn died in a jail and no one lost their shit about that anywhere?
Ah, here is a perfect example of how white supremacy can be upheld by people who aren’t even white. There always has to be a handful of POC who are more racist against people who look just like them than are actual white people, and will treat non-whites as brutally, heartlessly, and violently as possible. They are…
1. I don’t think this guy’s making it through Senate confirmation.
And thus the Secret State Police force was born.
For the record, did anyone follow up with “What the hell is wrong with you?”
They can shoot you if you have a gun in an open carry state. They can shoot you if they “think” you have a gun. They can shoot you if you don’t have a gun and they feel “scared.” They can shoot you.
I don’t know—how about what they at least sometimes do when the gun-toting person is white? White men with guns who tangle with cops at least have a chance not be shot and killed.
If he starts to point it at them, they gotta shoot. If someone is screaming they have a brain injury and doesn’t get what they are saying, and that person is merely holding it but not actively attempting to shoot anyone, then try rephrasing.
Whether or not he had a gun is irrelevant though, since North Carolina is an open carry state. But all of the recent events in the past few years clearly indicate that open carry is a law applicable for white people only. But god help you if you are a black person exercising your right to legally carry a gun in those…
The ability of people like this to question everything, except whether they should be people like this, is always fascinating.
Why use google maps for free when you can pay someone else to let you use their version of google maps?
Sam stood out from the start. “Born on third base,” as he says, not because his family had money but because he considers intellect, not class, to be the new driver in society.
If you’re not from Brazil, it’s hard to understand the magnitude of this tragedy.
If it happened at a beauty pageant, or in a nunnery, or at a Boy Scout jamboree, it would still be an asshole doing dickish stuff.
I’m sure if that fuckhead sucker punched some old guy in your family, you would still be making excuses for him.
Probably because the whites only water fountain has a filter in it.
Here’s what I hope he gets instead of that second place trophy: