

You don’t have one and you cannot even see it.

Kind of proving my point, don’t you think?

“the problem is that when these protests don’t contain the disclaimer that men can be victims and women can be abusers”

Funny how the only time men bring up domestic and sexual abuse against men, is when women organize to discuss domestic and sexual abuse against women.

What do you mean by “these” support services? The support services that lack funding due to austerity? Are you saying that only domestic violence services aimed at women are affected? Then why would you be upset by the fact that women are protesting something that affects them?

These are women protesting against violence against women at the premiere of a movie that focuses on the women’s rights movement.

Looks good to me.

No, but you are judging us as to why we are monogamous.”

I am not complaining about anything. I am just pointing out that since monogamy is the standard in our society it is ridiculous for that person to claim that she is “exhausted” by it being attacked as if those so-called attacks are a daily occurrence and everyone is just out to get her and her lifestyle choice.

Who is whining here?

Funny, the same thing can be said about you and the OP. No one is forcing you to not be monogamous.

How is any on this “attacking” monogamy exactly? The author of the article is right, monogamy is a problem for the men and women who cheat on their spouses/partners. Precisely compulsory monogamy.

So, you’re saying the assumption that most marriages are monogamous (when in fact, they’re probably not, at least not with the consent of both partners) is some sort of...tyranny?”

You make a choice as to what type of relationship you want to be in”

So you’re telling me that the people around you, your friends, your colleagues, family, acquaintances, etc., are not aware of the fact that you are in a monogamous relationship with your spouse?

So? The “choice” you’ve made is the “choice” that is considered the standard in our society.

Well yeah, monogamy tends to be a problem...for people involved in extra-martial affairs. Compulsory monogamy is what leads to cheating in most cases.

You’re in a monogamous marriage, right?

You live in a vacuum? Must be nice.