
That briefly happened, great debate as to why but I imagine it was Amazon wanting a better cut regardless of what they claimed since they were the only ones to have “problems”.

Honestly, even though I’m technically inclined and have done similar stuff in the past; I think it’s just a major PITA to swap shells these days for things like the New 3DS just for a color swap. You’re essentially doing a full blown tear down.

Have you played VI? That’s basically what they were going for. For this exact bait.

I imagine Gamestop, of all places, would know what to expect with the tangible demands of average Indie games getting a physical release...

The same people that basically do the same thing for Dead or Alive?

Batteries are simple physics these days. You can only pack so much power and the rest comes down to how much the Tegra eats up. Which will probably be right in the middle. “Disappointing” but reasonable and not shocking.

Let’s hope it’s not another Risk 2.0 travesty... (travesty for Civilization, decent fun for mindless gaming)

The Tegra in the Switch will utterly destroy the Linx’s pitiful atom’s cherry. Nintendo’s aesthetic and planning easily outpace that of the Linx.

You’re better off just getting Amazon’s Basics black label ones. Same thing, virtually,  much cheaper every day.

You’re better off just getting Amazon’s Basics black label ones. Same thing, virtually,  much cheaper every day.

I think you mean “functionality” because dual screen use on the Wii-U was rather limited in the end. It should just be called the pause screen. BFD over such a loss...

Tomorrow will either be the start of something good or the beginning of the end for Nintendo.

6 women and 2 men, not sure about their race but it never did favor the defendants.

Youth leagues, including high school, are almost certainly going to disappear first if there’s a revolt about football.

Yes, lets slow down the game even more so they can fit in even more commericals. Fun for everyone!

The world is more addicted to plastics and oil and gas byproducts than gasoline or diesel itself. Also, industry will need traditional fuels for quite a while, too.

I find it funny when idiots say, “ZOMG! it’s not their fault! It’s the community ‘overhyping’ again!!!11!!”

Valve is definitely in the wrong on some level. Concerns were raised hour 1 and they are on record dismissing and ignoring this issue when it first started. So when it became an obvious problem that they could no longer deny but still didn’t take appropriate action, they’re responsible.

They very rarely C&D translations, BUT THEY HAVE IN THE PAST.

lol... In a stadium, whose very construction murders signals, filled with equipment of which TV equipment and frequencies get TOP PRIORITY, filled with equipment for both teams, surrounded by a stadium full of people with their own phones.

lol how stupid. Lincoln needed the south to start making its money again. If he had been stupidly emotional like you think he should have been, he would have tanked to USA economy’s future.