
ben was never convicted and hardy was. the chick who accused ben of rape had a tshirt on that night that said dtf on the front. im not saying ben has a legit reason to go ahead and rape someone whos shirt says down to fuck im saying maybe she wanted to fuck. but only her and ben know that

dragging a woman by her hair then throwing her onto a couch covered in shotguns and assualt rifles is well beyond a simple fucking flaw. are you fucking kidding me with this shit? thats a flaw? and rappers are people with amazing talents? reading whats written for you on a piece of paper to the tune of a beat is

so you dont care that hardy was CONVICTED, not accused or tried but convicted of throwing his girlfriend of the time onto a couch full of shotguns and assault rifles and also dragging her around the house by her hair. because the particular scumbag is an, if you would like to think, exceptional athlete then his scummy

ok number one is correct, its actually the reason people perform takout slides. number 2 is stupid, so because they dont call a rule on everyone when they should utley shouldnt have the rule called on him? thats stupid they should call the rule everytime and not refrain from calling it because they didnt once or twice

ok dummy let me try again

lol thats the best part, utley is no longer a philly but still giving the mets problems its beautiful. and hes eligible to play tonight. god i hope he starts, ill like mattingly so much more haha

who has selective memory? the past shouldnt matter one bit regarding how people were suspended under the old arcane rules. as im sure you are all aware, its technically illegal for a running back/runner with the ball to lower his head and lead with the crown of his head in the open field against a tackler. say that to

i disagree. the mets fans and the actual mets organization would have cried foul and rightfully so. it was an incredibly late slide how the hell are people defending this?

maybe he should have merely slid at the appropriate time instead of waiting to be less than a foot from the bag and launch himself at tejada. it was a late slide theres no way in hell anyone on earth can argue against that. phillies fan here huge utley and rollins fan love both guys. if that happened with utley as a

clean? so the slide wasnt late? if he doesnt hit tejada there hes sliding all the way into the outfield. but thats a clean play, sure r tard