
This is very important and I wish it was bumped up! Sleeping Disorders are actually very common and often un-diagnosed. The two most recent major train crashes in the US were caused by drivers w/ undetected sleeping disorders. Also, kids are being prescribed ADHD meds when really they have sleep problems, which in

DING, DING, FUCKING DING! It’s textbook! I hope you’re doing better now and you either have safe boundaries with your mom or are outta there all together!

Her mom sounds like a malignant narcissist. I’m almost in awe of people who don’t recognize it. Especially since we have one currently running the country. They are so fucking easy to spot.

Amazing loophole!

The comments on this article are just fucking unbelievable. People are telling this kid, the actual person who lived this shit how he should feel! WTF? Also, he can walk around in America and not really have to fear for his life. He’s acknowledging that, he gave up that privilege and intervened, it almost cost him his

My plan so far has been to have my whole family in the garage sealed up with the car running. If we are home or can make it there.

Is there an advice column similar to this that tells you the best option to get rid of (sell/trade in or donate) a certain vehicle? Can there be one?!

You think Mar-a-lago will be underwater in the next 3 years?

When I was in college my grandmother told me she was making the same 2.40/hr & tipped rate when she was waitressing that I was making 40 years later. Her SSI check was for like 200/mth. when she retired.

yikes! the worst part is there are probably more than a handful of people in our national govt. that believe just this today.

The truth of this makes me want to cry and throw up.

That’s how the Jehovah’s got him. When he was vunerable from this tragedy. I fucking hate those predatory religions!

I’ve banned menstruation from my uterus with the help of Mirena! 

It’s just so good. But I think its also because we all loved it before we knew how awful he is.

There’s about 8 suggested articles suggested under this one that affirm your “jack shit” answer. We owe FEMINISM to not accept her!

This picture is perfect. Well fucking done.

The girl who went to the meeting was so brave. The whole ordeal is terrible.

I did not know this.

I’ll be working hard in MA to oust Baker. He left the presidential ballot blank when he voted! Fucking coward.

Also at