
OK, Chad.

This has never made sense to me. Lone wolf and terrorist are not mutually exclusive descriptors.

Why do you think they don’t understand this?

The term serves to allow NV prosecutors to add a terrorism charge wherever they deem “appropriate.”

This is BAD advice. If Uber is surging (or even not surging), if you close the app and try again, the price WILL increase on you and will keep increasing unless you take a full 15 minute break from the app.

Gandhi was racist; he described black Africans as savages and worked to elevate the struggles of Indians above the same struggles for equality for blacks. Why he is even mentioned in this article is beyond me.

But isn’t “he deserved* to die because he’s a n——-” the American way?

I have HATED Steve Seagal since Marked for Death. Even as a child, I knew the man behind the character was racist af.

If it’s “not inconceivable,” you prove yourself to be a racist piece of shit. Contrary to your bullshit white rationalization stated above, the only reason to state such a vile thing to a person of color is show and reinforce white supremacy. FUCK ALL THE WAY OFF.

Almost a decade of work yet she still can’t rap.

People tell you to take a seat because you are (1) misinformed, (2) attempting to center whiteness on a black website, and (3) are being a petulant child who fails to understand that when he/she is wrong, he/she should STFU. This is why the black people here, including myself, have zero patience for all of your

A race is not a shared cultural anything; it is a social construct based on perceived physical similarities including but not limited to color, eye shape, nose shape, and hair texture. Color, however, remains the key identifier when describing white vs non-white people per this social construct. As for your Jewish

Opposing Israel is actually equivalent to Palestinian lives matter.

“[M]uch of the racism that white people face is by other white people.” In all the situations you describe, those people are not being attacked or discriminated against because they are white. If you are not being attacked or discriminated against because of your color, it’s not racism.

WHAT? The real problem is not the white supremacists? Oh, okay.

Another dumb comment. In fact, half-white half-Asian folks are privileged over fully Asian folks so such criticism would be valid. Le sigh.

This comment is dumb. Nina Simone was an outspoken dark-skinned black woman who was vocally about sexism, racism, and colorism specifically. Hiring lighter skinned Saldana, darkening her skin, and making her wear a prosthetic nose was performative black face. So please fuck off.

According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, he is from Keene, New Hampshire.

White woman aims to fight white supremacy by helping white people. Cool.

You’re unashamed to be a racist idiot? Good for you!