How they profitted?
How they profitted?
Living in Spain here, also illegal (otherwise would kill the joy), you can just make a copy for your own personal use from something you have the original copy.
But there’s no persecution for the final user nor any precedent of final users being busted, so... let’s PIIIIRATE.
Not camera copy, they had (still have) the good fullhd rips, very good quality and multichannel sound. You should try it.
It wasnt a website, (was an app) and it doesnt stream nor stored any movie (just linked to the respective torrents).
How many things can you get wrong in such a short sentence? Oh yes, and it is…
It hadn’t, Popcorntime was an app from the day 1.
As it is Open source, it has been moved to a webapp later on.
You have no idea what you are talking about.
I used Napster, then Emule than torrents, than (now time4popcorn). Never had any problem nor malware with it, AAAND its Open Source, you could check the source files for malware (not time4popcorn)
If time4popcorn closes I would have no problems going back to…
Using 4 channels and playing the smartphone optimized or the high-end channels according to the device? Doesn´t sound technologically complicated, specially with cheap storage.
470 libre, 370 financiado por la operadora... el 1+2 cuesta 399 en 64Gb (sin tarjeta, el de 16 no sirve)
Por la 2a vez he cansado de esperar invitaciones y me compre el G4... (GS4 la primera vez).
No me arrepiendo ya que a mi l tarjeta SD me parece muy util y la camera del G4 es increible... y el preio esta bastante cercano.
Windows Phone todavia no atiende a mis necesidades (las apps que me gustan no están y me encanta el poder de una linea de comando linux en un Android rooteado con Busybox - Wifi gratis en cualquier aeropuerto? Facil)
Pero realmente estoy animado por Continuum y me encanta mi tablet (Transformer book) con Windows 10…
Excepto que:
2 - Sigue open source:…
Lollipop (ultima version):…
Pd.: No existe version de pago, esa idea viene de un reportaje del "The Guardian" que fue contestada por Google en "…" y corregida…
Serra Pelada, Brasil.
Antes y despues
Sii, supongo que habla de las buenas. :-P
Mierda.... idioma equivocado.
Y por eso Dios creo el microondas en el 2o dia.
Thats why god created the microwave in the 2nd day!
I guess most of them do, part of the time, at least.
Is just natural to learn other languages when you are in another country, and is also natural to feel happy to speak in your mother language whenever you can.
Or just use Android's voice input.
So easy, will be my next project, thanks.
Puedo apostar que mitad de esas búsquedas son para "Google", pero dudo que salga en algún listado oficial. :-P
Jajaja concordo, pero no queria perder el chiste. Pero la falta de apps buenas (y gratis) lo hacen casi un telefono tonto con buena camara e-mail y navegacion (web/gps).
Ojala Nokia mee los pantalones y ofrezca dual boot. (ok, no va pasar)