It’s not racist, it’s a statement of fact about his basketball court, and it happens to apply to every other basketball court. The standard pickup crew at a free/cheap court is not a squad of middle aged middle management caucasian types.
It’s not racist, it’s a statement of fact about his basketball court, and it happens to apply to every other basketball court. The standard pickup crew at a free/cheap court is not a squad of middle aged middle management caucasian types.
Frustration when you’re losing is bad enough. But regardless of the fact that refs are human, when you can’t do your job because they’re manufacturing mistakes, and you’re already playing like shit, that’s maddening. Since the beginning of sports it’s been easier for the winning team to swallow bad calls. When you’re…
Suddenly he has a great game 7. Defensively. I don’t get it.
I’m thinning early and have no reason for hope, so you get no sympathy from me. Dangerous to participate in a grammar nitpicking thread if you’re not ready to be nitpicked.
But you don’t need to go to college for those skills. The best way to learn project management is to manage projects. The best way to develop social skills is to socialize. And everyone’s got ‘problem solver’ on their resume, because most of us were built with that ability.
Except the reffing was universally bad. There were calls against the Cavs that sucked, too. The bad calls just happened to matter more for the Warriors. No one gives a damn if Shumpert picks up fouls, and fouls on Kevin Love are objectively a good thing for the Cavs.
Oh look this tired shit again.
I’ve never understood stances like this. Why do we expect our professional athletes, whom we pay unfathomable amounts of money, give silly amounts of respect, lavish with attention and adoration, and generally vastly over value solely because they play sports ball well to be made of stone when they sports ball badly?…
There’s a loooooot of butthurt in this thread.
TSA is a deterrent. I don’t know how that’s not obvious to everyone. No one’s blowing up a plane on impulse these days. You need to plan, then plan some more, then hopefully decide that you should do almost anything else with your time, because god damn is there a lot of TSA you’d need to get through.
Hold the fuck up that just clicked. I had to come back to this page to distribute stars.
That feels like grammar. The issue here is equally spelling and punctuation, as both are wrong. But really it’s just mistaken homophones, so just grammar.
But uhhhh he flipped squads because his squad told him he couldn’t be on their squad anymore, right? Don’t get me wrong, Gilbert is a human (?) trashcan, but that seems silly.
The last thing I’d change is any of the Bills losses. I have a friend who swears he’d rather make it four times in a row and lose than have one win. My friend is lying to himself. The early 90s Bills were an amazing achievement of sports and I wouldn’t change a thing about em.
This is random, but did anyone play Bloodborne? I feel like it’s like that. It just started as gothic and fighty, but turned into this big bizarre celestial/alien abomination, which was quite a turnoff for me, but undoubtedly how the story was written the entire time. It just took a while to be revealed.