
Right. It’s like narrowing down the category to “recently published books that trash Hillary Clinton.”

I have a couple of boxes of vintage bags, stoles, gloves, hand-embroidered aprons, and a ton of costume jewelry (think very pretty clip-on earrings) in the attic from my mom, who passed away last year. A lot of it is in very good shape. Don’t know what to do with it.

Isn’t he the guy who took care of you so tenderly after your recent surgery? I’d say that counts toward being a good guy.

She’s not old. What she seems to have done is to have normal lips rather than a pucker the size of a dirigible. She actually looks much better without all the lippage.

I went to Scotland for two weeks and came back with a slight brogue.

Having no appendages, the flag is frustrated that it can’t dodge him.

Perhaps one issue exacerbates the other. It’s a toxic blend.

No one has to pore over anything. Just read it. His tweets are full of errors.

I want to know how Harley Davidson did that because I want to go back in time to before the 2016 election.

Oh, he’s gorgeous!

“Living in a van down by the river.”

I think you’re good here.

Wish I could grow one inside. We don’t have any outdoor gardening space, so I content myself with supermarket orchids. Have had awfully good luck with them.

I bought a $500 leather jacket in Paris four months after I was laid off five years ago. But it’s still my favorite article of clothing. Judiciously overspending can be good.

You had me at “nachos.”

Of course. I interviewed with Trump in October 1987. It seemed at the time that I was sent in to see the Wizard of Oz because he liked distractions and strangers at whom he could talk about himself—exclusively. It was a long 30 minutes during which he talked about himself, nonstop, including what I thought was a

Tell that to the guy who threatened to kill me and all my kind on a Disqus thread today.


I can say with certainty that this is not the most profound question of our era. The most profound question of our era is how did Trump become president?

But they’ll all be in jail at some point, so, while we’ll be supporting them, they’ll be out of the WH and off Twitter, at least.