Iván González

Haha, this gave me a much needed chuckle.

About the update: Well then, we all suck. Everybody sucks. This is an awful election and we are all now worst people because of it. :(

This is not how this works boy.

Hope you're right. Still, if this is a case of sarcasm taken out of context… now is not the te for that man. Don't you think?

I just hope he doesn't vote for Trump, man.

I repeat, Trump is admitting he doesn't get consent. That is what you can believe. The other part, the "They let you" part, YOU DON'T, because he is not speaking for himself there, he's speaking for the women he assaulted. He can't speak for them. You see what I'm saying now? I see what you're saying, REALLY, I DO.

The proof are his own words. "I don't even ask". He's admiting he doesn't get consent. I'm not making this up. HE SAYS HE DOESN'T GET CONSENT. He literally says it.

Ok guys, I get it, but let me enlighten you. What you're going through is something we here in Mexico have a lot of experience with but you don't. This thing is called a "mexican style election" where you vote for the less awful of a pool of awful, awful candidates.

So, all you have is the word of a man saying he tocuhes women without consent ("I don't even ask") and you assume he got consent. What he describes he's doing is assault. His own words.
Idiotic? Dude, really, I'm not the one defending a rapist. You are. That's not idiotic, it's evil.

The tape did imply sexual assault. HE SAYS they let him. HE, the women do not say they let him. A rapist is not gonna say they don't let him.


It WAS sexual assault. Inform yourself about rape culture and about consent (specially the part where he says "I don't even ask").

Hyeans are so evil and against sexual assault. Plus, their laugh is stupid.

Go back to the IMDB comments section of news about a black actor being cast in a comic book movie, where you belong.

Here, you argue that the one hero that bites it shouldn't because he did what doomed him it "for the right reasons". Or that the quality of 'Shut up and Dance' has anything to do with the unpleasantness of it's premise. It has nothing to do in both cases. Please reviewers, learn to separate grim circunstances, plots

Hope you're right and, if you're planning on gambling not only your future, but every one else's on this because you can't bring yourself to vote for Clinton, I fuckin' hope you don't lose.

Trump is WAY WORSE by every objective measure. EVERY ONE. Is not even fuckin' close. You just have to see it and get out of your denial.

I know that article. And a whole lot more that are now depressing and not funny anymore :/

Fair point. Still, WTF America TRUMP is a RAPIST this shouldn't be this fuckin' close.

Hope you're right. And next time Bernie wins.