Ivan Moore Bacon Wright II

Cigarettes? Looks more like meth mouth!

Sorry for not believing you earlier. I didn't know that My Little Pony got a reboot. I certainly didn't expect there to be fans here. I thought it had to be some kind of spoof.

Are you shitting me? So why do people like it?

"Toothbrush? Wha??????"

Thank you for the amusing yet ultimately worthless response.

What is that? I keep seeing those characters. I'm baffled.

I care little for the relationship opinions of horrid women with bad teeth or overweight ones who take fashion cues from old episodes of In Living Color.

I think that David Pane's phone should now be ringing off his desk with job offers from DICE and various competitors.

Easy there, Cranky Kong!

Yeah, I can't get too worked up over graphics. Look at my avatar. You're talking to a guy that still loves his Atari 2600. :)

Wow... if that was the case here, I wouldn't have had half the games I've ever owned. We take it for granted and still complain that games are expensive. Same thing with gasoline...

Toys R Us. I was in Virginia. I never payed more than $50 for any game back in those days, except for Street Fighter II: The World Warrior on launch day. Where were you shopping?

I would love to hear more details about how that arrangement came to be. Bribery?

I won't have any use for any of that stuff as I bought the (ahem) real original back in 1991 for $50 on Sega Genesis. And then I spent another $50 for Sonic 2. And another $50 for Sonic 3.

That's what I thought. So they probably did not gather their engineers behind the Iron Curtain then, correct?

"Audi's response was to gather its engineers behind the Iron Curtain"

OK, I'm CrikeyWallabies. I'm on a lot but usually preoccupied with Halo friends or netflix. I'm the only one in my circle who doesn't sleep in on weekends, so I have loads of free time on Saturday and Sunday mornings usually, and that's probably when I'll have a chance to really dive in to Portal with you.

Do you have a force feedback wheel? How close to the arcade is it? Can't wait to get it this afternoon after work!

None of my friends are interested in Portal 2 either. If you don't sleep in on Saturdays, I will play Portal 2 with you in the morning. Check your profile and click messages, and I will PM you my gamertag.

If they aren't willing to secure the resources you need to do the job and they take it out on you, then that might be a good sign that it's time to jump ship. If it's a widespread problem in the company, they're eventually gonna go under.