
They could never have TOUCHED it - everything he did they SHAT upon - no way was anything racial going to be accepted by the neanderthal contingent.

Did talented and kind escape you? As a woman who of partial North African descent, who was mocked and bullied in childhood for having large lips (‘bongo lips’ was the insult if you must know), and unconventional colouring, hell, yeah, I’m going to value a Black woman’s beauty. And shout it from the rooftops.

I think w was a terrible president but I don’t think he was a bad man. I think he was a rich, party boy way over his head surrounded by the axis of evil. If he owned like a car dealership I could see him bringing his employees doughnuts on Fridays. Donald is a fundamentally bad person. I seriously don’t think he was

Those cheekbones, tho.

Because W. was ignorant and low class but he wasn’t malicious. I’d think most people could tolerate that arrangement because evil is a whole other thing. Trump is all of the above.

Almost made it through today without vomiting. So close. So, so close.

The definition of a Republican is someone who campaigns on the premise that government doesn’t work and once elected sets about proving it.

I really hate this “we won, get over it!” It’s not a football game- this shit is real. We have to face real concerns. The system is set up to allow and encourage dissent and compromise!

An additional 15 minutes of fame?

I just gagged.

Something very interesting about that group. Can’t quite put my finger on it.

I will bring the fucking popcorn.

The only KKK documentary I want to watch is the one that shows them all being rounded up, packed into titanium alloy drums filled with graphite-doped concrete, and dropped into the Mariana Trench.

They voted for a guy who literally talked about grabbing pussies. I like your optimism, but they are gone.

The people deflecting you are probably bots. Just saying. If they post about ‘liberal tears’ merch it’s probably a bot.

That man’s supporters are really chafing me today- every other comment about this stupidity reminds “you whining libtard crybabies” about things such as 1. being on our knees to praise our new “persident” (The guy continually spelled the word this way. It kind of got amusing) 2. We are all about to be so rich that we

Bah, I just said the same thing. Thank you for saying it more eloquently!

Seriously. How can so many people still be asking that question. It’s in the article above that Cho criticized the movie before this whole email thing. It’s almost like people are willfully ignorant of it.