
I loved your comment, it was honest and heartfelt. As a straight white woman who didn’t vote for Drumpf, I will do everything I can to right this fucking mess.

The people in my life that are voting for Drumpf is because have so much hatred for Hillary. They all say both are bad, he’s the worst, blah blah blah. But I’m voting for anyone who’s against her. That’s their logic.

We had our Obama signs taken 6 times. The hubby unit said no to Clinton signs. We live in a suburb of Dallas and a couple of weeks ago a dog was poisoned and died, the Clinton signs torn up as well as the house vandalized. They caught the couple - yes couple!! They’re in there 50s. It’s terribly scary!!

I used to live in Travis Heights. I miss my old neighborhood.

I’m voting early, the 1st day and right when they open. Living in Texas is scary enough as it is, I don’t need some losers carrying their guns trying to intimidate us. Plus I’ll have my big husband with me! No one’s grabbing my pussy except him!

How the hell!?! Hasn’t kellyanne fired her stupid ass?

John Oliver completely bashed him on Sunday night and it was glorious! This is not the 1st or 2nd or 25th time he’s been a dickhead!!

I really have been loving CBS This Morning. They focus more on news but also some fun stuff! Plus they got great chemistry. Just my 2 cents.

He’s already deleted his Twitter account. Let the fallout begin.

Don’t worry, he won’t own it long enough for anyone to remember who he was.

My roommate freshman year never bathed. I mean never! Our room smelled like a really shitty locker room. After 2 months of trying to get out and into another room, I just got an apartment. But I left her a note telling her to bath and wash her clothes and sheets. I also left her a basket with shampoo, conditioner,