Ok...for that I’m all in....except I’m black so I’d probably be kicked out of school and Allen would be given the comeback player of the year award for coming back from such a tragic event
Ok...for that I’m all in....except I’m black so I’d probably be kicked out of school and Allen would be given the comeback player of the year award for coming back from such a tragic event
Retaliate how? Refs didn’t call a foul, I retaliate and punch him in the back of the head...what do I get out of the deal?
Boulware is such an idiot. I’ve been inside a lot of locker rooms, and just like the trump statement, I’ve never seen guys messing around like this. Maybe for Clemson this is normal, and for them it’s a game, and that’s all fine, but to pretend that if you didn’t do this it’s because you didn’t have any friends is the…
They didn’t defend every inch of grass, so they lost
I’m the only one who noticed they spelled could wrong in the beginning?
And he’s white, and he doesn’t have the power of God backing him (TEBOW!!!!!!!)
No way you know the answer to that. The refs don’t know, Goodell doesn’t know, Dean Blandino doesn’t know, the players don’t know, but somehow you know? Either your a liar or the smartest man in the NFL. But you never played in the NFL so you aren’t allowed to discuss the rules.
To Each their own, so i’m not mad at the article or anyone who likes the game, but for me, it’s a money grab. It’s an infinite runner that has Mario and that means you gotta pay 10 bucks for it. There isn’t much to it other than that. I grew up with Mario just like the rest of us and I love a Mario game, but like a…
Yes, funny joke. But the people who didn’t read the joke and are now commenting on how contractors are held liable by Comcast are the best. How bad does their life suck that you can’t even spend 10 extra seconds to read the entire joke before you’re firing off comments? Gotta be the first one to respond!
I’m with you, I hate to be that guy...but I coach High School girls basketball and last night we had like 9 dunks. One girl even did a 360 just like Stef Curry does on every drive to the hoop!
-2 now, keep going and I’ll take all your cool points away
“He’s that guy!”
Also, -1 for that garbage comment.
Right...Like this years game was circled and ya’ll lost by 40. Put a triangle on next years game and pray for better luck
No...a highlight truther is someone pointing out a minimal issue with no real bearing on the play. That travel was unbelievable. He took 4 maybe 5 steps. It’s fucking ridiculous.
That was my thought exactly. Let’s save that quote for when he leaves and takes a shit job. Of course then it will just be about “getting his new team prepared” and not about the fact that he quit on his team months ago when he realized there was a chance he might get a new job and started going through the motions.
Solid work here, it’s just a great comment
Well, someone had to say it first